Hi Pim Jitsawang,
Sorry for my bad English, I got one hosting on https://obambu.com and one other hosting on a VPS SSD OVH, I created a WordPress on my VPS to migrate the site https://temporaire.webevo.fr/vitrine/logiciel-site-vtc/ (on Obambu) to https://solutionvtc.fr. I easily backup (80MB) but when importing that notice me “Restoring database …” to infinity and not moving. I’m stuck and do not know how to finish the migration.
When I try to go on the administration after this, I get an error 500. If I disable the plugins in the database to try, they are 4 that do not work (lack of basic pieces of data) (woocommerce doesn’t work after that, and i lose my 80 product …).
I do not know how to fix this and your plugin seems the only way to help me because when I try to transfer the site manually, the database tells me an error “Unknown collation ‘utf8mb4_unicode_ci”.
Could you please help me ?
Thank you.