Hi Cavaleiro
I just want to completely remove any base ie: blog.com/name instead of blog.com/author/name
I have just to add to the rewrite.php edit:
then only one extra change i have to made:
leave the author_base blank
and then find this code below:
function get_author_permastruct() {
if (isset($this->author_structure)) {
return $this->author_structure;
if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) {
$this->author_structure = ”;
return false;
$this->author_structure = $this->front . $this->author_base . ‘/%author%’;
return $this->author_structure;
and remove the forward slash from here:
$this->author_base . ‘/%author%’;
$this->author_base . ‘%author%’;
It’s work but another link is not working
So if any idea about this then please Reply.
Thanks in advance.