moshu: I think I can achieve the results I need with the Limit Categories plugin. However, when I load it (LimitCat version 1.5.2, WP version 2.0.3), and go to the write/post section when logged in as admin, I’m given a blank page.
Does anyone know why this occurs?
Edit: Obviously I forgot to configure it, though I assumed that it wouldn’t deny everyone (including the admin) the ability to post.
One problem though… When changing the settings, I’m getting error messages like so:
Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /htdocs/www/wp-content/plugins/limitcats.php on line 182
I haven’t looked into it yet, though Role Manager also gives me error messages (I can’t recall what though now), when trying to delete roles. So far I haven’t noticed any problems, though I haven’t really looked at the database for leftovers or similar.
Edit 2: The error message for LimitCats appears to occur when I try to remove posting rights to the default category. I might be able to work around that though.
Is there a way to give posting rights to specific users instead of roles, or do I have to create a separate role for each user?