Dear @delsergio,
Thank you for your response.
At the moment, the plugin doesn’t have the option to change the color of the right/wrong answers,
By the way, I have passed your request to our Development Team, and, though, generally, we don’t provide this kind of support, they have created a new CSS code to achieve your desired result.
Please take these CSS codes and insert them into the Quizzes > particular quiz > Styles tab > Custom CSS option.?
Then, replace?YOUR_QUIZ_ID?with the corresponding?Quiz?ID (e.g. 5, like this?div#ays-quiz-container-5). You can change the color and set your preferred one.
Do not delete the space after it.
Do not forget to clear the cache afterward.
div#ays-quiz-container-YOUR_QUIZ_ID #ays_finish_quiz_YOUR_QUIZ_ID .ays-field.checked_answer_div.wrong_div input:checked~label,
div#ays-quiz-container-YOUR_QUIZ_ID .ays-field.ays-text-field textarea.ays-text-input[disabled="disabled"][style="rgba(39, 174, 96, 0.5)"], div#ays-quiz-container-YOUR_QUIZ_ID .ays-field.ays-text-field input.ays-text-input[disabled="disabled"][style="rgba(39, 174, 96, 0.5)"],
div#ays-quiz-container-YOUR_QUIZ_ID .ays-questions-container .wrong_div .wrong,
div#ays-quiz-container-YOUR_QUIZ_ID .ays-questions-container .wrong_div{
? ? background-color: rgb(0 0 0 / 40%) !important;
div#ays-quiz-container-YOUR_QUIZ_ID #ays_finish_quiz_YOUR_QUIZ_ID .ays-field.checked_answer_div.correct_div input:checked~label,
div#ays-quiz-container-YOUR_QUIZ_ID .ays-field.ays-text-field textarea.ays-text-input[disabled="disabled"][style="rgba(243, 134, 129, 0.8)"], div#ays-quiz-container-YOUR_QUIZ_ID .ays-field.ays-text-field input.ays-text-input[disabled="disabled"][style="rgba(243, 134, 129, 0.8)"],
div#ays-quiz-container-YOUR_QUIZ_ID .ays-questions-container .correct_div .correct,
div#ays-quiz-container-YOUR_QUIZ_ID .ays-questions-container .correct_div{
? ? background-color: rgb(0 186 163 / 40%) !important;
Please check this and let us know about the outcome.
Thank you.