Ok Real and One more thing, If we already have the price filter and then change the color by check box it generates the min and max price for the slider, example on query var max_price=7000&min_price=4000 and i check color it has 4 products and min and max rate for the products are 50 to 400 on slider and i cant get the results coz query was min and max price was 4000 to 7000. i was customized your slider section on views/shortcodes/woof_price_filter_slider.php
if ($preset_max < $max_price) {
$max = $max_price;
}else {
$max = $preset_max;
if ($preset_min > $min_price) {
$min = $min_price;
}else {
$min = $preset_min;
<input class="woof_range_slider" id="<?php echo $uniqid ?>" data-min="<?php echo $min ?>" data-max="<?php echo $max ?>" data-min-now="<?php echo $min_price ?>" data-max-now="<?php echo $max_price ?>" data-step="<?php echo $slider_step ?>" data-slider-prefix="<?php echo $slider_prefix ?>" data-slider-postfix="<?php echo $slider_postfix ?>" value="" />
please update these to..