• I thought I’d share this as it helped me to keep my social data counts.

    Based on a post at this link, I built out a AddThis’s “data-url” to dynamically present the old domain for posts older that the cutover date. Newer posts remain unaffected:

    Let's alter the domain based on post date
      $url_change_date = strtotime("11/6/2015");
      $post_date = strtotime(get_the_date());
      $sharing_url = get_permalink();
      if ($post_date < $url_change_date) {
            $url_date_prefix = "/" . date("Y", $post_date) .
                                           "/" . date("m", $post_date);
            $sharing_url = str_replace("://new-domain-name.com",
      // At this point, $sharing_url is the correct URL to present
      //  to the social sharing APIs in order to maintain counters.
      <div class="addthis_sharing_toolbox" data-url="<?php echo $sharing_url ?>" data-title="<?php the_title(); ?>"></div>

    Note: be sure to include this code in both your single.php and index.php templates. See the original post mentioned above for a lengthy description of the issue.

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