First be sure to upgrade to the last current version (1.29).
Then you have to copy and send the “URL de retour automatique” to the Monetico support, they have to configure this URL to be called once the payment is done. Once this URL is configured your orders should automatically change their status from “En attente” to “En cours” (= paid).
If your orders still don’t change their status then check your web logs to ensure the URL is called : you should look at “?wc-api=WCMPG_Monetico”. If you don’t find this line then the URL is not called / not configured, if you find this line but you have a “500” return status, then you should activate the debug logs in your wp-config.php :
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, TRUE);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, TRUE);
Then pass another order and check the debug logs.
If you can’t fix this, please contact our support at [email protected] with your Licence number, FTP and WordPress access.