• Resolved Ben Kaeding


    I’m pretty sure that I have a syntax error or two preventing this from working as expected.

    <?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail('. $query_posts('meta_key=PVC_Featured_Image&meta_value=1');
    if (have_posts()) :
        while (have_posts()) : the_post();
            $str = get_the_ID() ;
            echo $str;
    else :
        echo 'Something else happens here';
    endif; .'); ?>
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  • Moderator keesiemeijer


    Hi, Ben Kaeding

    What is it you want to do? And on what page are you trying to do this?

    if you are trying to get the ID if a post (or several posts?) (based on some query parameters) into the post thumbnail function and show the thumnail,
    then try to re-assemble your code into something like:

    <?php $my_query = new WP_Query('meta_key=PVC_Featured_Image&meta_value=1');
    if ($my_query->have_posts()) :
        while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
            $str = get_the_ID() ;
            echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $str );
    else :
        echo 'Something else happens here';
    endif; wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
    Thread Starter Ben Kaeding


    alchymyth, That is almost exactly what I needed. I added the post _type to include both pages and posts.

    <?php $my_query = new WP_Query('meta_key=PVC_Featured_Image&meta_value=1&post_type=any');

    I should have know that. Thanks for your assistance.

    Thread Starter Ben Kaeding



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