When you enable jQuery deferring, you have to ensure that there is absolutely no inline JavaScript on your HTML (hint, revslider needs render blocking).
When you defer jQuery, what happens is that the browser loads your HTML first and all JS files in order “after” the HTML load. This is fine if anything that uses jQuery is included on external files, but as expected, anything on the HTML that requires jQuery for whatever reason, won’t work because jQuery was not defined yet.
You should see a warning saying undefined on your Google Chrome Console, under the Dev Tools.
In other words, your site requires you to have render blocking scripts, or at least, jQuery (and possibly other revslider files too).
You could enable it only for pagespeed insights, but then your slider will be gone for pagespeed tests only. You still need render blocking to use sliders, in most cases.
Latest versions of revslider have an option to defer JS.
Maybe try that option… but again, I’m almost certain that they will still need jQuery to be render blocking.