• Hi,
    I want to reveal all predictions to all users (I run this in my company) and I have a few questions (at 2014 I used a different plugin)

    How can I display a page with match + users predictions?
    How can I show all predictions of a specific user to all other users?

    Do the plugin reveal predictions after the match starts automatically?

    Thanks for your help!

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  • Users Predictions

    [world-cup-predictor scores=n]

    For each match ID, specified by n, display a table of every users’ predictions and the points awarded. Note – users predictions will not be shown
    if the match kickoff time has not yet passed. This is to prevent users viewing each others predictions before the match has started.

    Use the option [world-cup-predictor scores=-1] to display all predictions for all matches in one table.

    Optionally add the attribute highlight=”css-styles” to add a CSS
    style to the table row of the currently logged in user. For example [world-cup-predictor scores=1 highlight=”background:red;font-weight:bold”].

    Usé el código [world-cup-predictor scores=-1 highlight=”background:blue;font-weight:bold”], pero no muestra ninguna predicción y la idea es que me mostrara las predicciones de todos los usuarios.
    Funcionó unos días, pero ya no funciona y creo que es porque tengo 101 usuarios y ya estamos llegando a la tercera ronda.
    es posible que no se vean por tantos usuarios y por tantas predicciones?
    como lo puedo solucionar?
    sería bueno mostrar las predicciones de los partidos pendientes únicamente.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by soygcamacho.
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