• peggysdev


    Hello, I am a new WordPress user and am finding your OceanWP theme very feature rich and useful.

    I am using OceanWP Version: 1.7.4 and have noticed a problem with the breadcrumb function.
    The page title breadcrumb for hierarchical taxonomies is incorrectly constructed.
    For an example category hierarchy of a > b > c > d, the breadcrumb c > b > a > d is produced.

    I can’t find any option to change the sequence in Themes / Customisation. Is there any way of doing this from within WordPress?

    The problem seems to be caused by oceanwp/inc/breadcrumb.php:function add_term_parents( $term_id, $taxonomy ) not actually reversing $parents array.
    Change lines: 1293-1295

    // If we have parent terms, reverse the array to put them in the proper order for the trail.
    	if ( !empty( $parents ) )
    		$this->items = array_merge( $this->items, $parents );


    // If we have parent terms, reverse the array to put them in the proper order for the trail.
    	if ( !empty( $parents ) )
    		$this->items = array_merge( $this->items, array_reverse( $parents ) );
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  • Amit Singh


    Hi @peggysdev,

    Thank you very much for letting us know about it and for the solution. We will check the issue and try to fix it with the next update of the theme asap.

    ### *2020.02.27* – 1.7.6:
    * **Added** – Changed theme screenshot.
    * **Fixed** – Reversed sequence of hierarchical taxonomy breadcrumbs.

    This came back again actually in version 1.8.3

    However, this is currently appearing in one category only! Other categories are intact on my website!

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