I would recommending downloading Firebug for Firefox, then downloading Yslow for Firebug. I ran Yslow on your front page, and found a few things:
1. You can save 132.52MB just by running Smush It on the images. That along shaves off about 12% of your page size.
2. Use Photoshop’s “Save for Web” feature for your JPG’s. That should save quite a bit of room as well.
Your images are definitely the biggest thing slowing your site down. Ideally, total page size should be under 100K, definitely not over 200K if you can help it. Depending on which tool I measured it with, it is about 1,000K – 1,500K. One tool said 80% of that was images.
The next thing to look at is Javascript. You might run a Javascript minifier on the Javascript you’re using. I like jscompress.com.
Good luck!