My fix is to change the permalink in revision by adding some unique slug to it and then removing that when publishing it back into original post:
// revisionize: revision draft preview not showing changes - fix
add_action( 'revisionize_after_create_revision', function( $original_id, $revision_id ) {
// adding a unique slug to revision permalink that will be removed when publishing it back to original
$add_slug = '-revisionize_some_slug';
// updating post_name didn't work with revisionize to change permalink of revision. post_name was actually empty on revision post
$permalink = get_post_meta( $revision_id, 'custom_permalink', true );
if ( substr( $permalink, -1 ) === '/' ) {
$permalink = substr( $permalink, 0, -1 ) . $add_slug . '/';
} else {
$permalink .= $add_slug;
update_post_meta( $revision_id, 'custom_permalink', $permalink );
}, 10, 2 );
add_action( 'revisionize_before_publish', function( $original_id, $revision_id ) {
// removing our unique slug from permalink before publishing revision into original
update_post_meta( $revision_id, 'custom_permalink', str_replace( '-revisionize_some_slug', '', get_post_meta( $revision_id, 'custom_permalink', true ) ) );
}, 10, 2 );