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  • Hi Mariusz,
    I’m not sure what you mean. Can you be more specific what type of issue you have?


    Thread Starter Mariusz Szatkowski


    I use a few kinds of plugins.
    Eg. Rating-Widget Plugin ( or Revolution slider
    It creates own modules in left sidebar of admin panel.

    Now I want to activate it for Editor role.
    In your plugin options list, in capabilities tab I cannot find such a capability, so I cannot manage access right to this plugin…

    Oh. I’m not sure that you’ll be able to do that.
    The developer of this plugin, probably granted access to this plugin only for administrator’s role.
    There is no such a thing like capability for a plugin. We, as developers, define our own capabilities if it is required. So if you really need it, then you have to dig inside that plugin and rewrite the Admin menu definition for that plugin.
    Would be also cool if you contact plugin’s developer with your idea. He may take your suggestion and create a custom capability for that plugin and you’ll be able to manage it with AAM.


    Hi Mariusz, i had the same problem/request with Revolution Slider plugin.

    I wanted “editor” role to be able to edit the slider(s).

    I took a look at the code and I found this in inc_php/revslider_globals.class.php on line 5

    const SHOW_SLIDER_TO = "admin"; //options: admin, editor, author

    That’s a constant decalaration inside the GlobalsRevSlider class.

    I know – generally speaking – it’s not good to modify code, since if you update plugin you will lose this change, but if you change “admin” to “editor” in that line, your problem should be solved.

    My Revolution Slider version is 2.1.4, maybe in next release it will be possible to modify that value using wp-admin UI – maybe you can do it right now too, but I didn’t find where ??

    Thanks Once-I-Was-A-Developer works great just changed it to

    const SHOW_SLIDER_TO = "editor";

    “The Revolution Slider is not showing up. Instead I only see a grey box. What is happening?”

    @once I Was A Developer, great snippet there. I know that some plugins like NextGen Gallery offer the admin the ability to allow different roles varying levels of access. I stumble upon this dilemma often. Not a great idea to edit core plugin code but it definitely works!


    I use Revolution Slider 3.0.95 and it is possible to manage Roles.
    1) Go in menu Revolution Slider
    2) Click on Global settings on the top right corner.
    3) Select permissions
    4) Save
    5) Done ??


    Hi everybody,

    i’m using WP 3.6.1 and Revolution Slider 3.0.95, if i try to control the plugin with a user that’s not an admin i get the message:

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this section.

    obviously i set “Author, Editor and Admin” in the Global Preferences, but looks like the setting is ignored

    this is a relative problem, since i’m using “User Role Editor”, if you can tell me the ID of the capability of Revolution Slider i can add it to my custom User

    I think the only solution is from @once I Was A developer. Works great. See his post above…

    thank you rwilki i was hoping for a more ortodox solution, but if there’s no other way…


    ops there’s no more

    const SHOW_SLIDER_TO = "editor";

    in my version of the plugin, i’ve opened a ticket with the support…

    there’s no line SHOW_SLIDER_TO anywhere in your revslider_globals.class.php? huh.

    Hi guys,
    New version of AAM 2.0 is coming. [ ad copy moderated ]



    that’s correct, that parameter is missing

    i’ve filed a ticket on the help desk 5 days ago, but no solution yet

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