rewrite hierarchical in taxonomies
Would you mind adding the “hierarchical” thing as below in the code to the plugin?
I marked my additions with SASCHA CORE HACK. I’m sure I asked before, but I could not see the changes in the changelog. Maybe you think it’s a bad idea?//set custom taxonomy values $cpt_label = ( !empty( $cpt_tax_type["label"] ) ) ? esc_html( $cpt_tax_type["label"] ) : esc_html( $cpt_tax_type["name"] ); $cpt_singular_label = ( !empty( $cpt_tax_type["singular_label"] ) ) ? esc_html( $cpt_tax_type["singular_label"] ) : esc_html( $cpt_tax_type["name"] ); $cpt_rewrite_slug = ( !empty( $cpt_tax_type["rewrite_slug"] ) ) ? esc_html( $cpt_tax_type["rewrite_slug"] ) : esc_html( $cpt_tax_type["name"] ); // SASCHA CORE HACK $cpt_rewrite_hierarchical = ( !empty( $cpt_tax_type["rewrite_hierarchical"] ) ) ? esc_html( $cpt_tax_type["rewrite_hierarchical"] ) : false; // END $cpt_tax_show_admin_column = ( !empty( $cpt_tax_type["show_admin_column"] ) ) ? esc_html( $cpt_tax_type["show_admin_column"] ) : false; $cpt_post_types = ( !empty( $cpt_tax_type[1] ) ) ? $cpt_tax_type[1] : $cpt_tax_type["cpt_name"]; //set custom label values $cpt_labels['name'] = $cpt_label; $cpt_labels['singular_name'] = $cpt_tax_type["singular_label"]; $cpt_labels['search_items'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["search_items"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["search_items"] : 'Search ' .$cpt_label; $cpt_labels['popular_items'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["popular_items"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["popular_items"] : 'Popular ' .$cpt_label; $cpt_labels['all_items'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["all_items"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["all_items"] : 'All ' .$cpt_label; $cpt_labels['parent_item'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["parent_item"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["parent_item"] : 'Parent ' .$cpt_singular_label; $cpt_labels['parent_item_colon'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["parent_item_colon"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["parent_item_colon"] : 'Parent ' .$cpt_singular_label. ':'; $cpt_labels['edit_item'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["edit_item"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["edit_item"] : 'Edit ' .$cpt_singular_label; $cpt_labels['update_item'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["update_item"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["update_item"] : 'Update ' .$cpt_singular_label; $cpt_labels['add_new_item'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["add_new_item"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["add_new_item"] : 'Add New ' .$cpt_singular_label; $cpt_labels['new_item_name'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["new_item_name"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["new_item_name"] : 'New ' .$cpt_singular_label. ' Name'; $cpt_labels['separate_items_with_commas'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["separate_items_with_commas"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["separate_items_with_commas"] : 'Separate ' .$cpt_label. ' with commas'; $cpt_labels['add_or_remove_items'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["add_or_remove_items"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["add_or_remove_items"] : 'Add or remove ' .$cpt_label; $cpt_labels['choose_from_most_used'] = ( $cpt_tax_type[0]["choose_from_most_used"] ) ? $cpt_tax_type[0]["choose_from_most_used"] : 'Choose from the most used ' .$cpt_label; //register our custom taxonomies register_taxonomy( $cpt_tax_type["name"], $cpt_post_types, array( 'hierarchical' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["hierarchical"]), 'label' => $cpt_label, 'show_ui' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["show_ui"]), 'query_var' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["query_var"]), // SASCHA CORE HACK //'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug, 'with_front' => $cpt_rewrite_withfront ), 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug, 'with_front' => true, 'hierarchical' => $cpt_rewrite_hierarchical, ), // END //'rewrite' => array('slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug), 'singular_label' => $cpt_singular_label, 'labels' => $cpt_labels, 'show_admin_column' => $cpt_tax_show_admin_column ) );
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