Have you tried the 1.1.3? Does it work with ES language?
Anyway is difficoult to make it work with every existing plugin, Multipage is manipulating titles, but if, then, there is another plugin that manipulates it as well, it will never work ??
About lenght, the limit is 70 chars, it’s not reasonable to hide the main title as well place the subtitle before in my opinion. Also customize the title is not a good idea in my opinion, there are SEO plugins that make this. I’m pretty sure a SEO can create a good 70 characters Title + Subtitle.
The good news: the upcoming 1.1.4 will work in conjunction with WordPress SEO, so you can also place the subpage title before the main title. The variable is the WP SEO by Yoast standard %%page%% ??
Your problems with Multipage Plugin should now be solved, please keep me updated if everything works ??