• Hello,
    Wisteria does not respect RGPD now, because it’s using Google Fonts (Lato and Montserrat), which are not host in local in the theme folder, but on Google’s machines. So visitors, when they go to my website, also goes on google’s website. I don’t want any tracker on my website, I don’t want any cookies consent banner, so i want to know how to change it.

    Just changing styles.css didn’t work. I tried to comment php lines in extra.php, the part which seems to call google fonts, but fatal error happened, it broke everything.
    Using the wordpress function “Additionnal CSS” is not a solution I think : fonts has to be called in styles.css, and “Additionnal CSS” arrived to late, after the css call Google.

    I know Wisteria hasn’t published update since a wile and probably won’t do it again, but it’s a very good theme, I will be very sad to change it for an other, my visitors are used to it. I’m ready to get involved to change the code on my version to extend it as long as possible. I didn’t find alternative to this theme that I like, with all those features.

    So, please just tell me how clear the php code and css for the fonts, so that I can use my own, or host myself Lato and Montserrat. So that I can be autonomous.

    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by andorel. Reason: html balise appears
    • This topic was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Steven Stern (sterndata).
  • The topic ‘RGPD: Change fonts / how to say goodby to Google Fonts ?’ is closed to new replies.