• Hello –
    Just as an FYI, I caught this warning on the admin images > Assistant page

    It appears in the area that the thumbnail occupies. The plugin is trying to populate an array with wp_get_attachment_metadata, but not getting any results for some images.

    I suspect that this is a problem in RICG Responsive Images, rather than with your plugin, but the question remain as to why some image might not have metadata returned by wp_get_attachment_metadata.

    Warning: Illegal string offset 'sizes' in /html/wp-content/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/wp-tevko-responsive-images.php on line 165

    Warning: Illegal string offset 'width' in /html/wp-content/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/wp-tevko-responsive-images.php on line 169

    Warning: Illegal string offset 'height' in /html/wp-content/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/wp-tevko-responsive-images.php on line 170

    Warning: Illegal string offset 'file' in /html/wp-content/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/wp-tevko-responsive-images.php on line 171

    Warning: Illegal string offset 'file' in /html/wp-content/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/wp-tevko-responsive-images.php on line 173


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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your report. The Media/Assistant submenu “thumbnail” area/column is populated by calling the WordPress wp_get_attachment_image function. At first glance it does look like the “RICG Responsive Images” plugin has hooked that function and is trying to generate a thumbnail image for it, but the item’s “Attachment Metadata” has been corrupted.

    You can view the Attachment Metadata by going to the Media/Edit Media submenu screen and scrolling down to the meta box MLA adds there to display the data. Compare an image that works to an image that doesn’t and get an idea of what’s been damaged. You can try re-uploading a damaged image to see if the new copy has valid metadata. You can also think through any editing or other modifications you made to the damaged image and try to reproduce the problem.

    I don’t have any personal experience with RICG Responsive Images and can’t give you any more specific help. If you do find the cause and/or a fix, please update this topic so others can benefit from your experience.

    I am marking this topic “Not a support question”, but I really appreciate the time you took to post your report and for your interest in MLA; thanks.

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