• Hi, I’m really new to WordPress, with no technical knowledge whatsoever, and have been having a tinker around with what I’ve set up – a very basic website (my own hosting). I’ve opted for a 3-column template (it’s called Green Theme) as I basically want my list of possible pages to view (eg home, contact us, about us etc) down the left hand side, then the main text in the middle, then an additional column on the right hand side for info such as our email address, details of current special offers, and anything of particular interest that could have a link directly through to the relevant page on my site.

    I THOUGHT I was doing the right thing in dragging the ‘text’ option box across to the right sidebar under ‘Widgets’ and putting some text in there, but this right hand sidebar doesn’t seem to be showing up on my homepage (a static page), nor on any other page. I’m using WP as a website, rather than a blog, but if I create a ‘post’ as a test, rather than a page, the right hand sidebar appears.

    Hope someone can help with this. I’m sure it’s very basic stuff to those of you in the know :-s

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  • Since all your Pages don’t have the sidebar, your page.php file probably doesn’t have a sidebar for some reason. That would have to be added manually into the code.

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    The Green Theme (this one?) does not appear to be designed to show the right column when displaying pages.

    Pages and posts are managed by separate template files, page.php and single.php respectively in most themes. To have the right column appear on pages you will have to “tinker” with the page.php file.

    Look into the single.php file for references.

    Here is some additional reading, too:

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