• My problem is when ever I go to certain pages on my wordpress blog, my second sidebar disappears. The second sidebar is only present on the home page. How can I change the css so it can show up on all pages.

    Thanks in advance

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  • this would be the way the pages in your theme are coded. What is on your home page is most likely in index.php

    copy the sidebar code from index.php to a page where the sidebar is missing. make a backup copy first, and don’t duplicate the already existing sidebar, only the one that is not there

    Thread Starter slamd


    it appears on every page now but it still happens once I click a category. Thanks for the help.

    If you have a category template, you may need to copy the same code to category.php

    Thread Starter slamd


    Nope I have no category function.

    Try playing with the float tag in your css

    For example, if it says:

    #Sidebar2 {

    Try changing it to:

    #Sidebar2 {

    (or visa versa)

    I have a 3 column, and I’ve found that I can “lose” the outermost column if it’s not floating correctly. Most of the time, the Sidebars need to be floated “left” to keep them relative to the front page throughout.

    Thread Starter slamd


    Thanks Cstina but Im not sure where to find the float tag. Here is the 2nd sidebars code. Can anyone get anything from that?

    <!-- 2nd sidebar -->
    </div><!-- end yiu-u --><div class="yui-u" id="third"><?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('rightsidebar') ) : ?><h4>Extra Column</h4><p>You can fill this column by editing the index.php theme file. Or by Widget support.</p><?php endif; ?></div>
    <!-- end 2nd sidebar -->
    	<div class="yui-b" id="secondary">
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    Thread Starter slamd


    anyone have any ideas?

    Thread Starter slamd



    ” I have a 3 column, and I’ve found that I can “lose” the outermost column if it’s not floating correctly. Most of the time, the Sidebars need to be floated “left” to keep them relative to the front page throughout. ”

    I have the same problem more or less. It’s the outermost column that disappears and I can’t get it back. I also tried to ” float ” it correctly but the ” sidebar first ” column can be floated anywhere, the “sidebar second” or outermost one, just doesn’t appear at all. Also I noted that if I go to the ” theme ” section in my dashboard, and I use the preview function of other themes, I can see what I have configured in the 3rd column, but if I ” activate ” the theme it then disappears again on the actual page !!?? HUH ? WTF and OMG ? ??

    Any ideas ?

    P.S , I’m using 2.7.1 and I’m using a ” blue-fusion” theme currently.


    Since nobody has answered Slam D. The ” float ” tag is in your
    “style sheet” in the ” appearance editor” . You can’t miss it. Just scroll down until you see ” sidebar 2nd ” or something close depending on your theme, and then play with it. Make a copy first.

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