• Hi everyone,

    I’m a newbie to wordpress (i’m mostly a dupal user(nobody’s perfect right?)). I’m playing with it for now a find it quite good.

    But what’s bothering me mots in wordpress is the rights management. There’s not enough granularity for my taste. For exemple is there a way to allow certain usées to post onlyfor certain categories?

    I also need another insight if some user know well boht drupal and wordpress : could you describe the main differences between drupal and wordpress. I use to think about wordpress as a blog only CMS, but since the 3.0 it looks more for me as a full CMS. Is there some pros-cons that makes wordpress or drupal more suited for one purpous or annother?

    Thank for your help


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  • there are several user management plugins for WP which allow varied control.

    those are 2, there are more

    As for drupal v wp, I plain hated drupal. it was a pita to work on. WordPress has come a long way in CMS department…..

    I agree with Odolyte, something needs to be done in that department, even “the” Matt knows that. They had also a “job opening” in the Google Summer Code competition, for that, but unfortunately nobody accepted the offer.

    What I envision is something similar to what Linux or Unix have: some sort of access control list where I can say “this user can post in this category, read this post but not edit it, etc” Each ‘object’ in WordPress (posts, categories, plugins, etc) should be associated to its ‘umask’ (something like rwxrw-rw-), have an owner and a group, just like in Unix or Linux, not to mention modern flavors of Windows and MacOS.

    This would make WordPress a REAL content management system. Think about it: even with those plugins RVoodoo mentioned, you can’t reach that granularity.

    Here one of the scenarios I have in mind: a big organization’s website. Each department of the organization should be the owner of a section (category? page?) of the website, and be allowed to edit articles only in that category. Maybe inside a department they want to implement a workflow process, where user A can submit new articles but not edit published ones, while user B can published pending articles, edit published articles.

    I know, you can already do something ‘similar’ to that with WordPress, but it’s just… SIMILAR, not exactly the same thing.

    I hope WordPress 4.0 will include some of this granularity in the core ?? Enough with the Media Manager, already… JUST KIDDING!

    That scenario almost seems like they could be using the network feature (the Mu merge), and have the main blog use one of the plugins to combine all the blog posts on one blog/page.

    Yes, correct, Indeedle. But what if one of those users need to edit pages in two ‘sites’? You will have to create two accounts for him, plus configuring all the stuff twice, for this user…

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Or just give the one ID access on both sites in the Multisite?

    Accounts are shared across the board, so if they need to edit something else on another blog, you can give them editor rights to it. Still only need one account with one login for the person, but they can access & switch between both as required.

    Thread Starter odolyte


    coolmann, i like your solution.
    Now i just hope someone will do something about it.

    Rev. Voodoo : thanks for the links ??

    User rights granularity is just about the ONLY reason I’d ever set up a site in Drupal again. It is a huge PITA. WordPress can now do just about everything else a whole lot easier. I just decided it would be easier to convert a fairly simple Drupal site to WP than up update the core and all of my outdated modules. I’ve had some success with the BuddyPress Private Community plugin for WP access rights, but Drupal’s system for granting rights is still superior.

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