Hi Michael,
I am sorry, I forgot to update.
Please put the following code in your bp-custom.php
* 1: A function to check if the user can upload video
* 2: Remove the 'video' from gallery creation dropdown
* 3: Remove auto gallery creation for wall gallery and only create if not video gallery
* 4. if someone tries to manipulate and force create video gallery, do not allow (using the validation rules)
* 5. Last step, in any case, do not allow upload at all
* This is not the MediaPress way of doing things. In MediaPress we try to achieve maximum work with minimal custom code.
* The issue should have been solved by simply removing type support mpp_component_remove_type_support( 'members', 'video' );
* But a mistake on my part has prevented us from doing that
* I will be updating the mpp_component_remove_type_support() to act as the sole decision maker in 1.1;
* Till then, Please use the following code
* Can user upload video ?
* @return bool
function mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video() {
return current_user_can( 'remove_users' );
* Remove the video from editable types
* Add our own context gallery handler for activity
function mpp_custom_setup_for_user() {
//remove video type support from editable types
if ( ! mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video() ) {
mpp_component_remove_type_support( 'members', 'video' );
//do not let activity provide custom context gallery, instead we will have our own
if ( has_filter( 'mpp_get_context_gallery', 'mpp_get_activity_wall_gallery' ) ) {
remove_filter( 'mpp_get_context_gallery', 'mpp_get_activity_wall_gallery', 10, 2 );
//our own handler for creating context gallery
add_filter( 'mpp_get_context_gallery', 'mpp_custom_get_activity_wall_gallery', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'mpp_setup', 'mpp_custom_setup_for_user', 20 );
* Should we generate context gallery?
* @param $gallery
* @param $args
* @return bool|MPP_Gallery|null
function mpp_custom_get_activity_wall_gallery( $gallery, $args ) {
if ( $args['type'] == 'video' && mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video() ) {
return $gallery;
return mpp_get_activity_wall_gallery( $gallery, $args );
* When the gallery creation from is submitted, validate the type access
* @param array $errors
* @param array $postdata $_POST
* @return mixed
function mpp_custom_validate_gallery_creation( $errors, $postdata ) {
if ( $postdata['mpp-gallery-type'] == 'video' && ! mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video() ) {
$errors['type'] = __( 'You don\'t have permission to create video gallery.' );
return $errors;
add_filter( 'mpp-create-gallery-field-validation', 'mpp_custom_validate_gallery_creation', 10, 2 );
function mpp_custom_upload_permission( $can_do, $component, $component_id, $gallery ) {
if ( empty( $gallery ) ) {
return $can_do;//do not change the permission
$type = $gallery->type;
if ( $type == 'video' && ! mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video() ) {
$can_do = false;
return $can_do;
add_filter( 'mpp_user_can_upload', 'mpp_custom_upload_permission', 10, 4 );
Also, in function mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video(), Please use appropriate capability from here
The current capability that I have used will only allow admins to create video gallery.
Hope that helps.