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  • Plugin Author BuddyDev


    Hi Michael,
    Thank you for asking. Yes, It is very easy to do. We have provided filters when checking for permissions. You can filter on them

    Please see here

    The filters you are looking for is


    All in the above file.

    to get the current user’s id you can use bp_loggedin_user_id()
    Also, the $component is ‘members’, or ‘groups’ or ‘sitewide’ based on whose gallery you are trying to deal with. $component_id is user id or groups_id or site wide gallery id depending on the context.

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter michaelwilliamautin


    Hi Brajesh, thx for the speedy response I honestly understand to little of WP and PHP to know how to exactly deal with the file above and for the life of me can not figure it out.

    Maybe you could show me or give me a pointer on how to deal with the following:

    Only allow users with the role “premium” to upload video/ create video album.

    Best Michael

    Plugin Author BuddyDev


    Thank you Michael,
    Will post the code shortly after today’s update of MediaPress.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter michaelwilliamautin


    Hey Brajesh, any update on this issue ? ??

    Best Michael

    Plugin Author BuddyDev


    Hi Michael,
    I am sorry, I forgot to update.

    Please put the following code in your bp-custom.php

     * 1: A function to check if the user can upload video
     * 2: Remove the 'video' from gallery creation dropdown
     * 3: Remove auto gallery creation for wall gallery and only create if not video gallery
     * 4. if someone tries to manipulate and force create video gallery, do not allow (using the validation rules)
     * 5. Last step, in any case, do not allow upload at all
     * This is not the MediaPress way of doing things. In MediaPress we try to achieve maximum work with minimal custom code.
     * The issue should have been solved by simply removing type support mpp_component_remove_type_support( 'members', 'video' );
     * But a mistake on my part has prevented us from doing that
     * I will be updating the mpp_component_remove_type_support() to act as the sole decision maker in 1.1;
     * Till then, Please use the following code
     * Can user upload video ?
     * @return bool
    function mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video() {
    	return  current_user_can( 'remove_users' );
     * Remove the video from editable types
     * Add our own context gallery handler for activity
    function mpp_custom_setup_for_user() {
    	//remove video type support from editable types
    	if ( ! mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video() ) {
    		mpp_component_remove_type_support( 'members', 'video' );
    	//do not let activity provide custom context gallery, instead we will have our own
    	if ( has_filter( 'mpp_get_context_gallery', 'mpp_get_activity_wall_gallery' ) ) {
    		remove_filter( 'mpp_get_context_gallery', 'mpp_get_activity_wall_gallery', 10, 2 );
    		//our own handler for creating context gallery
    		add_filter( 'mpp_get_context_gallery', 'mpp_custom_get_activity_wall_gallery', 10, 2 );
    add_action( 'mpp_setup', 'mpp_custom_setup_for_user', 20 );
     * Should we generate context gallery?
     * @param $gallery
     * @param $args
     * @return bool|MPP_Gallery|null
    function mpp_custom_get_activity_wall_gallery( $gallery, $args ) {
    	if ( $args['type'] == 'video' && mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video() ) {
    			return $gallery;
    	return mpp_get_activity_wall_gallery( $gallery, $args );
     * When the gallery creation from is submitted, validate the type access
     * @param array $errors
     * @param array $postdata $_POST
     * @return mixed
    function mpp_custom_validate_gallery_creation( $errors, $postdata ) {
    	if ( $postdata['mpp-gallery-type'] == 'video' && ! mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video() ) {
    		$errors['type'] = __( 'You don\'t have permission to create video gallery.' );
    	return $errors;
    add_filter( 'mpp-create-gallery-field-validation', 'mpp_custom_validate_gallery_creation', 10, 2 );
    function mpp_custom_upload_permission( $can_do, $component, $component_id, $gallery ) {
    	if ( empty( $gallery ) ) {
    		return $can_do;//do not change the permission
    	$type = $gallery->type;
    	if ( $type == 'video' && ! mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video() ) {
    		$can_do = false;
    	return $can_do;
    add_filter( 'mpp_user_can_upload', 'mpp_custom_upload_permission', 10, 4 );

    Also, in function mpp_custom_user_can_upload_video(), Please use appropriate capability from here

    The current capability that I have used will only allow admins to create video gallery.

    Hope that helps.

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