Hey @intlabnz,
I have completed this work for you.
There is now a hook that allows you to do what you want to do, and all you’ll need to do is write your own query based on the structure of your personal database.
The hook provides you with a range of different information:
– $roles
– the array of roles already mapped using the built in logic based on data set it the admin panel
– $username
– the username that was typed in the login screen
– $userData
– the data that was originally queried for the user
It is expected that you will return an array of roles.
The below example assumes that you want to use the roles derived from the built in logic and add to it.
For this reason new roles are added onto the passed array and that is returned.
If you want to ignore what the logic currently provides you could simply pass a new array.
The example uses some built in functionality to the plugin to help you build your query. You may prefer to write a more basic query just using text.
function myExlogRolesMapper($roles, $username, $userData) {
// Uses the data provided to the plugin to create the database object and data required for a query
$db_data = exlog_get_external_db_instance_and_fields();
// Start building a query to fetch the user
// This is the first bit you will want to modify to select data from your additional table where the role is being stored
$query_string =
'SELECT *' .
// This is specifying the table specified in the settings panel, you can hard code these if you rather
' FROM ' . esc_sql($db_data["dbstructure_table"]) .
// This finds the correct user based on the username field set in the settings and the username that they typed in
' WHERE (' . esc_sql($db_data["dbstructure_username"]) . '="' . esc_sql($username) . '"';
if ($db_data["dbstructure_email"]) {
// Because the username they type in can be an e-mail, if you have set an e-mail field in the settings panel we will also try and find the user by e-mail
$query_string .= ' OR ' . esc_sql($db_data["dbstructure_email"]) . '="' . esc_sql($username) . '")';
} else {
$query_string .= ')';
// Use the above computed query actually fetch the data
$rows = $db_data["db_instance"]->get_results($query_string, ARRAY_A);
// Checking if a user was found
if ($rows && count($rows) > 0) {
$foundData = $rows[0];
// If the custom field in your database called 'myCustomRoleField' has 'editingKing' stored in it
if ($foundData['myCustomRoleField'] == 'editingKing') {
// Add the wordpress role 'editor' to the user
array_push($roles, "editor");
// return the array of roles as WordPress supports multiple roles in the backend even though their settings pane only shows one
return $roles;
add_filter('exlog_hook_filter_assign_roles', 'myExlogRolesMapper', 10, 3);
I’m going to mark this as resolved as I’ve now provided this hook as discussed, but if you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to get back in contact ??
Let me know how you get on!
Tom ??