Hi, hoping I can get a response on this. I have close to a working system using:
WordPress 4.9.8
Vanilla 2.6
Vanilla Plugin (with edits) 1.1.8
Latest Groups Plugin
OneLogin SAML SSO Plugin
We have around 10 brands that I’d like to propagate this Single Sign On system to.. but I am awaiting some solidification of small remaining details.
One of the (continuing) remaining issues is this plugin… role propagation, and then keeping up with WordPress changes.
I posted an issue here:
Basically, the plugin 1.1.8 and 1.1.9 in SVN, is still using a function that had been deprecated by wordpress. Finally, it stopped working and was causing problems when using the /sso link. My fix fixes that. However, I still have the role propagation issue.
I then noticed that there are differences between the github version and the SVN version. Do you know if the SVN v. 1.1.9 fixes the role propagation issue?