• I was inspecting the Site Health section on the dashboard and came across the “Update your Site to use SSL” button as visible here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/https-for-wordpress/

    I mistakenly clicked it as the message said my site already supported SSL.

    However, I have not installed SSL yet and now my WordPress site cannot be resolved on the browser (Chrome’s error says too many redirects).

    I would like to roll this change back, however am unable to since am now unable to resolve the /wp-admin dashboard on a browser.

    Is there anyway I can roll this change back?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Using an SSL connection, and thus https:, is the norm these days and should always be used.

    There should be an option to install SSL within your Hosting Control Panel. If not sure how then ask your Hoster. Also ask about enabling “Always use SSL Connection” as that should be setup as well.

    Thread Starter herumorna


    Hi Rob,

    Thanks for your reply! I do agree that installing an SSL needs to be done but I don’t have the skills for that and require a little help.

    My urgent priority is to have the website accessible first. Is it possible to roll back this change or disable it by editing wp-config somehow?

    I see the problem is that ‘https’ has already been enabled and being used.

    For example, this URL works fine: https://example.com/robots.txt

    WordPress will not work though because the database settings need to be changed to use ‘https’. Follow these instruction or ask your Hoster to do it for you.

    Open your database in phpMyAdmin.

    On the left will be a listing of Tables. Click on the Table that says ‘xxx_options’ and ignore the ‘xxx_’ part as right now it doesn’t matter. What you want is ‘options’ Table.

    Screen on the right-hand side will show what is in the ‘options’ Table and first two lines (ID 1 & 2) should be ‘siteurl’ and ‘home’ in the ‘option_name’ column.

    They both probably show ‘https://example.com’ and you need to Edit them both. At the beginning of the line you’ll see an Icon of a pencil with the word “Edit” right beside it. Click on the word “Edit”.

    Next page will show your URL in a box and you only need to add an ‘s’ to change
    from: https://example.com
    to: https://example.com

    On the same page at bottom of screen you will see a ‘GO’ button beside another button which says ‘Preview SQL’ – ignore the other ‘GO’ button further up the page.

    Click the ‘GO’ button to save your changes and then you’ll be taken back to other page. You should see ‘siteurl’ now shows https://example.com

    Now do the above steps for ‘option_name’ -> ‘home’

    After the two changes view your site.

    If for any reason you cannot do the above steps, open a Ticket with your Hoster then Copy & Paste this response into the ticket so they know what you are trying to do. They will either help you to do it or maybe even do it for you.

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