• Resolved georginalewis


    Hi I love woo and this is a great plugin but I am missing something here …..

    I want to show rotating testimonials (like the normal feedback feature in other woo themes). When I read the documentation I don’t see where there is a fade arg available, nor a time limit to display before rotating. Nor does it state that it is a list of testimonials only.

    Thus I did some testing by using the limit arg. I now see that it just determines how many will be stacked in one single output display using the php code however the class is called “testimonials component fade” which seams to suggest that a fade rotation of testimonials does exist somehow in the code? soooo can i display one testimonial at a time but fade in and out all the testimonials as the plugin exist today? and how?

    thanks !



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  • Plugin Author Matt Cohen


    Hi Georgina,

    Thanks for your query. ??

    To clarify, at this time, JavaScript fade/slide animations are left up to the theme or a custom add-on plugin. The current version of the Testimonials plugin doesn’t support transitions between testimonials.

    We will consider this for a possible future update to the plugin. ??

    Thanks and regards,

    Hi, Matt!
    I’m trying to implement rotating testimonial but having some difficulties.

    I want to show category specific testimonials on the pages using template tag implementation.

    I used the following to load testimonials on page.
    <?php do_action( 'woothemes_testimonials', array( 'category' => get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'minti_testimfilter', true) ) ); ?>

    How do I make them rotate?
    How do I load testimonial filter array in order to create meta selection box for different categories? It should be something like this:

    $types = get_terms('portfolio_filter', 'hide_empty=0');
    	$types_array[0] = 'All categories';
    	if($types) {
    		foreach($types as $type) {
    			$types_array[$type->term_id] = $type->name;

    Can you give me some advice on how to implement this feature?

    Thank you very much!

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