• kinda new to wordpress so the features are overwhelming to me haha. jst wanted to know what rss is and if i can disable it somehow. going for that simplicity design heh. and also what’s pingback? im thinking its sending your post to another site or something but no sure.

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  • RSS is Rich Site Summmary or Really Simple Syndication depending on who you talk to. It is a really good thing, don’t turn it off. ??
    I talked about it some on my blog after I started using it:
    and there is a ‘what is RSS’ article here:

    Rss is short for Rich/RDF Site Summary (or Really Simple Syndication) . They are XML files that allow other website or readers and such to pull the content from your blog and reference it. There are also programs that pull all these into one place (ex: all my daily comics, news sites, blogs etc. get pulled into a single program.) so a person never had to go out and visit every single wesite. I use one called sharpreader (www.sharpreader.com).
    I would suggest leaving them alone but if you REALLY want to you could just delete the files marked rss and then remove the links to them in the template file.

    RSS is a XML format (actually WordPress supports three different formats with the same purpose) that allows others to import your headlines to their pages. This is important for news aggregation sites, for example, which provide an overview on the news that are provided by a huge amount of pages. But it also allows other blog users to import news items that they find interesting enough. If you want to know more about RSS, you should take a look at What is RSS?, an article by Mark Pilgrim.
    You can turn off RSS support by simply renaming and/or deleting the files b2rss.php, b2rss2.php and b2rdf.php from your WordPress directory.
    Pingback is a feature that allows you to inform other bloggers that you referenced a blog entry in your blog. “Referencing” in the meaning of “I mentioned your URL in one of my blog entries, which can be found here”. This, as well as TrackBack, allows some kind of virtual meshing between blogs.
    Hope that helps.
    Bye, Mike

    I’m playing with magpie rss for a news page. right now it’s all static RSS links (yahoo news etc.)
    I’m considering adding a table for RSS links that are user specific. So user Joe can view his favorite RSS feeds, same for user Sally and so on…
    Initially I think I’d re-use much of the table definition that “links” already uses, and ultimately add an admin page that’s much the same.
    Is there enough interest in a feature like this in the project?
    Speaking of links, I haven’t tested, but are they user specific? (each logged in user sees their own blog roll?)

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