• Hey. I was just wondering what peoples opinions were on rss aggregation. I’ve seen a hell of alot of sites out there using it to get content onto their sites and blogs. I’ve had a blog planned for a while now which will use content from other blogs to populate my own….I will give full, clear and multiple links to the origional source in order for using their content. But the thing that is bothering me, is this….Should i ask permission from the site/blog before doing such a thing or would linking back to the source be sufficient? I have no idea how this works, and before i attempt it i would like to hear some opinions on the matter. Like i said, i have seen tons of blogs that use content from other blogs, i am just unsure of the proper way to do such a thing. Thanks for any replies.

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  • I’ll give you my personal take.

    Everything that follows is MY opinion

    Seeing lots of blogs doing it, doesn’t make it OK. Thats why you asked, of course, and I appreciate that.

    I keep a very keen eye on google for my content. My feeds send excerpts, and when I catch (yes I said catch) another blog scraping my feed, I block it from happening again.

    I also check my apache logs weekly and examine the IPs of anything that looks like a sitescraper/feedscraper/splog/etc

    Why? Because Ive never been asked. And honestly, if I were asked, I would politely ask that they not do it.

    There are legitimate sites that grab feeds; that dont do it to populate their own content. There are also “news” sites that invite that their feeds be aggregated.

    My blog is not a news site, I dont want it re-displayed onto ANYONE else’s blog, in any shape or form, regardless of how prominent any link backs are.

    Consequently, if I were you, I would ask the blog owner first.

    Thread Starter wargasm


    thanks for the reply whooami. I’ve also heard that aggregating content is a good way to get banned from google adsense and be removed from listings due to their policy on duplicate content. But if you take a look at https://www.livingroom.org.au/ and take a look at that guys camera phone and digital camera blogs, it’s obvious he’s pulling all his content from other sites. Whether he has permission to do this or not i don’t know, but he is very successful with adsense and the blogs are listed with google. This is what i dont understand. What is your opinion on these blogs?

    EDIT: Also let me clarify on what i was planning to do with my blog. I was going to offer origional content such as free wallpapers and i was also going to sell my own services from my blog. I was going to use rss feeds to publish news and reviews on my blog, but it by no means was going to be 100% of the blogs content. It would be more like a space filler. Something interesting to read on the blog as well as my own origional content. Basically is was going to be simalar to the photoblog or cameraphone blog on https://www.livingroom.org.au/ . Again what are your opinions on this approach?

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