• There are several high quality WPHacks which allow you to display one or more RSS feeds on your blog. However what I wanted to was to use WP as an RSS aggregator, periodically polling a number of RSS feeds, and inserting each new item as a new WP post. There might be an existing implementation of this idea, but I didn’t find it, so I whipped up something quick this morning.

    • tries to be smart about mapping DublinCore fields to WP fields
    • supports automatically categorizing new posts based on their originating feed
    • uses postmeta to keep track of previously seen posts


    • Ignores mod_content, only works with RSS 1.0
    • Only supports inserts, not updates
    • Built against nightly build 2004-7-14, ymmv

    Download at: https://laughingmeme.org/code/wp-rss-aggregate.php.txt
    This is just a quick hack, but I thought I’d share. Among other things, there might be a couple of functions in there that would be useful to other hack authors.

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  • mirdin


    Does anyone have this working on WordPress 1.5? A short howto for 1.5 would be appreciated ??


    Simply upload the files as stated in the file itself.
    After you’ve done that, create a file named “wp-agg.ini” in the same directory. Format that file like so for each feed you’re posting.

    <begin example>
    [Name of source just for personal reference, this is actually ignored]
    url = https://laughingmeme.org/index.rdf
    cats = LM
    </begin example>

    The cats are the category you want the post entered under, these can either exist or upon running of the script can be created. You can specify multiple categorys by seperating them with :

    Example: cat1:cat2:cat345

    Did this help any?


    The only issue I’ve had with this is when I collect a feed from another WP site, it aggregates fine, but adds a very incorrect date. For example, I ran it today which pulled in 10 articles, and promptly dated them 1969-12-31 at 3:59:59 pm.

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    Coincidence seeing this post – quoted it a couple of days ago from search results for ‘lynx’ and ‘curl’ words causing problems with admin access and errordoc and not saving problems – same symptoms on trouble board now, perhaps, so mentioned the post – podz problem had been ‘curl’, mine ‘lynx’, put together they came up with the cron terms quoted above. ‘WGET’ will also strangle a post. podz ‘flagged’ for hackers…

    Only reason to reminisce here, however, is that if aggregating automatically to posts are these same terms going to hang up your rss processing?


    I’ve looked over the post you mention, but don’t see a similarity… My issues is primarily with the date issue. I don’t seem to have any problems with certain words.

    What you’re looking for is CG-FeedRead. I already use this to bring posts from a Podcast and a Xanga blog into my church’s website. It works very well and is incredibly customizable, but be sure to read the documentation.

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