• All:

    Thanks in advance for any help and pardon the length. It takes some time to explain the problem and all the steps taken so far to try and resolve it.

    We have an old 1.33 wordpress mu install that we are trying to update to a current 3.x version and move it out to an Amazon EC2 instance. I replicate the db by a mysql dump read-in and copy the files over to a new spot and verify that I have a solid working copy. I then work all the steps in the upgrade, following the upgrade instructions for each of the versions that are on the WP site. When all is done we have a working WP site…kind of.

    The site was a mu site and is now a standard WP network site with a main site and sub-directory setup for the network blogs. The issue arises at random times and manifests itself in one of two ways. The most obvious is that when you go to any of the network blogs, you will occasionally see an rss feed for a random blog on the site. The second way it manifests is that if you go to one of the /blog/feed urls you will occasionally see the rss feed for a different blog on the site. If one of these anomalies happens in firefox, a forced refresh will always bring up the correct page/feed/. In chrome with a rss feeder plugin, a refresh when looking at an aberrant rss feed brings up an error relating to no data in the feed. The url shows as the url to the correct site, it does not change (no redirect).

    In trying to track down the problem I wrote a wget script to get a blog 100 times to try and see the error occurring. Here is a snipit of it:

    2011-03-30 13:35:05 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu/tbruce/ [131869] -> “-” [1]
    2011-03-30 13:35:06 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu/tbruce/ [131869] -> “-” [1]
    2011-03-30 13:35:07 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu/tbruce/ [131869] -> “-” [1]
    2011-03-30 13:35:08 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu/tbruce/ [131869] -> “-” [1]
    2011-03-30 13:35:08 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu/tbruce [12281/12281] -> “-” [1]
    2011-03-30 13:35:08 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu//tbruce [12281/12281] -> “-” [1]
    2011-03-30 13:35:09 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu/tbruce/ [131869] -> “-” [1]
    2011-03-30 13:35:10 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu/tbruce/ [12281/12281] -> “-” [1]
    2011-03-30 13:35:11 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu/tbruce/ [131869] -> “-” [1]
    2011-03-30 13:35:12 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu/tbruce/ [131869] -> “-” [1]
    2011-03-30 13:35:13 URL:https://blog.law.cornell.edu/tbruce/ [131869] -> “-” [1]

    Note the file sizes being downloaded. You can see where we get the aberrant pages.

    Today I did a brand new WP 3.1 install and imported the data for a few blogs, switched the virthost docroot and the problem still persists.

    I figured it was some kind of caching issue, so I installed wp super-cache to try and fix. That mitigates the problem, but does not solve it. It does not happen as often, but it still happens.

    So has anybody seen this? Has anybody seen anything like this (it may manifest as a browser asking to download a file if there is no rss reader present)? Since it has persisted through several upgrade attempts and and fresh install/import experiment I assume that it is either system related (php, apache) outside wordpress or a witches brew of wordpress and something to do with the system or platform (EBS store write caching issue? But then more would be seeing it).

    Any advice is appreciated

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Did you do 1.33 -> 1.5 -> 2.6 -> 2.9 -> 3.1? I’m asking for reasons ?? This is a moment where being exact and specific is helpful.

    And you upgraded to the WPMU versions there-of, NOT the regular WP ones?

    These directions: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Upgrading_WPMU

    Or these: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Upgrading_WordPress_Extended

    Thread Starter dnagy01


    I made backups as I went so I have a record

    drwxrwxrwx 4 apache apache 4096 Mar 16 13:58 wp-includes_133
    drwxrwxrwx 4 apache apache 4096 Mar 17 11:47 wp-includes_150
    drwxrwxrwx 5 apache apache 4096 Mar 17 12:18 wp-includes_26
    drwxrwxrwx 5 apache apache 4096 Mar 17 12:45 wp-includes_27
    drwxrwxrwx 6 apache apache 4096 Mar 17 13:29 wp-includes_283
    drwxrwxrwx 6 apache apache 4096 Mar 17 13:45 wp-includes_29

    then to 3.0. I got to 3.1 by doing a scratch install and importing from the 3.0. I think mostly getting downloads from the links in the docs. I do seem to remember having to go slogging through the archives for the last few.

    Thread Starter dnagy01


    These directions: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Upgrading_WPMU

    Followed these

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    K. Just making sure. I didn’t want to go down one road and find out you’d done something else.

    Why didn’t you upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1 though?

    Thread Starter dnagy01


    Arbitrary, from 3.0 > 3.1 I could just use the internal-click-to-upgrade, so I put it into production and it started behaving badly so I never got that far.

    How has this ended? We are also getting these RSS pages instead of normal pages randomly and no idea what is causing them… We are running WP 3.2.1 Network and we started the project in WP 3.1, so there is no old stuff. What could cause the fact that RSS is being displayed instead of the normal page? We hardly use any external plugins and i have checked all of them by deactivating..

    Could this have anything to do with:
    <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”RSS” href=”https://url”&gt; ???

    This seems like a plausible reason why the page occasionally and randomly display’s RSS? Perhaps the page request is interpreted incorrectly.

    This problem also occurs on sites that are not WPMU, and never have been. I’ve got it occurring on a WP3.1.3 and a WP 3.2.1 site, and I’ve seen it on sites I’ve visited that are running various versions of 3.x, so thinking that it has something to do with just WPMU is going to throw you off track. I’ve also removed the “<link rel …” line from the template trying to rule that out and the problem still occurs.

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