• Hello,
    I have read everything I could find on this problem and I’m still not sure what to do. I have 2 blogs using WordPress, https://over-50-and-kicking.com and a new one https://womenscorner.com
    The first one, the RSS feed validates no problem. The second one won’t and the error I got was:
    Your feed appears to be encoded as “utf-8”, but your server is reporting “US-ASCII” [help]
    line 2, column 0: XML Parsing error: <unknown>:2:0: xml declaration not at start of external entity [help]
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    Source: https://womenscorner.com/wordpress/wp-rss2.php
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- generator="wordpress/1.2.1" -->

    Someone said it could be whitespace in the php file…but which file? the index.php? and if so where do I look? I checked and there is no space at the beginning.
    Can anyone help me please?

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  • Thread Starter lise


    Shoot! I really so appreciate what you’re doing for me ??
    But I have to go to bed now ?? and you should too, unless of course you’re in Europe somewhere and it’s noon LOL
    Can we pursue this tomorrow morning? What can I do for my part?

    Thread Starter lise


    I hope so …maybe you’ll think of something in your dreams ??

    Thread Starter lise


    Ok, I’m barely awake LOL but here goes…I copied the wp-blog-header.php here https://paste.uni.cc/6349
    Have to take my daughter to school now and then will be back with strong coffee in hand ??
    Talk later

    I could be wrong, but I’m sure Beel had a very similar issue which defied all attempts to nail it down, and then just disappeared……. no help right now I know, but it could just be a temp bug.

    Thread Starter lise


    l)I did put the php required on my text page and reupload it and it’s fine there is no whitespace at the top.
    2)for WP grins, I added the wp-grins.php in wp-content/plugins, activated that in admin then added the smilies in wp-admin/quicktags.php by adding <?php wp_grins(); ?> at the end of the file. I also added the same code in my wp-comments-popup.php just before the textarea tag id=”comment”
    3)if I have to I will download again the WordPress files and hopefully I don’t screw it up LOL
    PODZ, yes I know I had read beel’s post but he had redownloaded some files so it could have been in there somewhere.
    If I don’t fix this, nobody can RSS my blog right?
    Maybe I should take the grins out and see if it is ok then?

    Thread Starter lise


    Hi, thanks for coming back ??
    I took out anything to do with the wp-grins – I undid everything, and still it’s not validating
    I downloaded a new wp-admin/quicktags.php and uploaded again, stillnot validating.
    It’s so frustrating, so I guess I’m doomed to have to download again WP…and you said I only have to replace the wp-admin and wp-includes directories? I don’t have to replace anything else, right?

    Thread Starter lise


    Me again ??
    OK downloaded again WP and uploaded new wp-includes and pulled up womenscorner.com/wordpress again and looked at the source and I still have this darn whitespace at the top.
    I have to leave now again to pick up my daughter and will be back.
    Guess I have to upload again WP, but can you tell me which files I can and cannot upload again so not to lose my css and my posts and my categories….gotta run
    Thank you sooo much, I owe you a drink LOL

    Thread Starter lise


    Kafkaesqui (ouf hard name to type ??
    When you have a chance, can you tell me how downloading/uploading WP again works? If I only upload the files I have not touched, then we won’t find out where the problem is because it has to be something I did on a file.
    And if I upload all the files again, then how do I do that? I copy the files that I changed then upload the fresh files maybe one at a time to see which one is the culprit? But I don’t upload my css and index file? any others I should not touch, this is scary….how about my post that are already there? Not many so I could redo them.
    I will attempt to do this tomorrow morning because right now my brain is mush, my back hurts because I’m too stressed and I’ve got to fix dinner.
    So if you have time during the evening to get back to me I would really appreciate it.
    Thanks ??

    If you want to validate the rss feed you have to replace the lines like??:
    header('Content-type: text/xml', true);
    header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=' . get_settings('blog_charset'), true);
    Weird that the developer team has not fixed this… I hope it’ll be fixed for the next release.

    Actually chtito, we’re long past that being the fix for lise’s problem.

    Ooops! Sorry…
    Still, i’d be happy to see the rss feeds of wordpress validate using the very simple hack i posted.

    Thread Starter lise


    Hi Kaf (much easier LOL)
    And yes I felt like I’ve been stood up ?? and yes dear, my problem still remains LOL
    My sanity??? what sanity? Lost it 2 days ago and Ihaven’t been at my computer since yesterday morning. It was nice not to try to find this ‘thing’ but I still dreamed about it.
    Anyway, I just tried what chtito said to do just for the heck of it, and when tried to validate, now the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> moved down to position no 5 instead of 2 like before. Does that help?
    Last night I thought maybe it was the login.php and register.php which I did play with, but I took those out of my index.php page and it still does not validate.
    I had pretty much decided I was going to reinstall the whole WordPress again because it feels like when you try to fix an old car, it’s not worthed. I made copies of the posts I had, and of course my index.php and my css files.
    I can just delete everything from my server and start from the beginning again, right ?? And then just change the index page and css and see if it’s ok. Then change the comments-pop up and see if it’s ok, and so on…. And if it’s still there….well I guess I’ll scream loud enough for you to hear me wherever you live on the globe LOL
    I’m too stressed to do that tonight and in the morning we have some place to go so it will have to wait till tomorrow afternoon. If you have any other suggestion before that, I’m still open for now ??
    Thank you again Kaf for the time you spent helping me…

    Thread Starter lise


    Hi Kaf,
    Sorry I forgot to come back here and let you know how it turned out.
    I redid everything and it was going fine. I started to add a post and checked the validation and it was ok. So yesterday I went on adding more post but only checked after I had made about 5 and darn, it did validate but with a warning:
    Your feed appears to be encoded as “utf-8”, but your server is reporting “US-ASCII”
    It gives a link to go see how to fix it but I don’t know how to do what they say to do.
    It’s weird because one post was giving me the warning, then I deleted the keyword I had put in the custom field because I was not sure I was doing that right. Once I deleted it, it validated ok without the warning. So good, I kept on adding posts and then I checked and bam, the warning was back.
    I’m getting more gray hair from this than from my teenage daughter!
    thanks ??

    Moderator James Huff


    Lise, that isn’t a critical error at all. It should resolve itself once all of your current posts are no longer in the RSS feed. I had this error not too long ago. Basically, what I discovered is that I had a post that appeared to be US-ASCII format (while I told WP to publish in UTF-8). Once the offending post was out of the RSS feed, everything was just fine. To my knowledge, this situation doesn’t affect any RSS readers and is probably just a bug in FeedValidator.

    Thread Starter lise


    Thank you so much macmanx, makes me feel better so I won’t panic or anything ??
    You made my day LOL

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