• I have modified our site so we have a static page and our blog posts appear on a page called, “blog”.

    When I use the feed https://site.com/blog/feed I am able to make an old post sticky and it shows up at the top of the RSS feed like you would expect. However, I notice the feed service we use tends to delay sending this feed to our subscribers by days on end.

    When I use https://site.com/feed old posts I make sticky do not show up at the top of the RSS feed, but this feed never has an issue sending to subscribers.

    I have tested both feeds with RSS validators and find no issue.

    I cannot seem to figure out why one feed URL will display sticky posts and one will not.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by bward.
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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Actually, sticky posts wouldn’t be expected in a feed. /blog/feed/ isn’t really a valid feed, you’re essentially getting a feed of a single page which happens to include a sticky post in its content. This is the only reason you see a sticky in a feed.

    A full site feed does not send sticky posts except as normal posts in their normal date order. You could customize your site’s feed to send a sticky post before the normal feed content. It’ll throw off the post count for feeds set in settings, which is an arbitrary number anyway.

    An array of current sticky post IDs is saved as the “sticky_posts” option.

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