• Hi,
    I had modified the template-functions.php::lists_cats() function to put a rss link for each category after the normal link.
    The modification is really simple and not very dynamic. If a developer is interessed in a complete modified version please let me know. I could write something like lists_cats(….,…..,…., rss) to make the functions more dynamic.
    The chances were the following.

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  • Hmm, maybe you should post this code to the wiki.

    Gordon…this is exactly what I’ve been wanting…Thank YOU!
    But I’m not doing very well with the code you posted. I’m thinking the reasons are that I modified my template-functions.php file, so I probably put your code in the wrong place.
    Would it be possible for you to include the function name in addition to the line number?
    Thanks again

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I’ll posted this hack on hte Wiki

    Thanks. ??

    BTW, as part of my clean URLs everywhere efforts, I have added a get_category_rss_link() interface which will return the link as constructed by Gordon’s hack/mod or a pretty link of the form:
    /feed/ will return the system defined default feed type, be it rss, rss2, rdf, or atom. Also, you can directly specify /archives/category/category-name/rss2/ if you like.
    We should be able to cleanly work a call to get_category_rss_link() into list_cats() for those who want to lists the feeds for each cat.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Caused by the new version of WordPress I would like to write a general hack for the rss-feed-for-category problem. I think it’s not very clean to modify functions in the core of wordpress. I know I had done this with template-functions.php. ??
    I would like to get this functionality into my-hacks.php, but currently I don’t have a clue how I should extract the $cat_ID for each category. Sure I could query the database but this would made some little overhead. I try to avoid such things as much as possible.
    Can anyone point me to the right direction to start?
    I like the idea of rboren very much. I would appreciate it if we could sync() our work. ??

    The Wiki on this hack states: “This modification is against WordPress 1.0.1-RC1.” I guess that means that it won’t work on WP 1.0, right?

    I updated the hack to wordpress 1.0.1!
    The hack is now using the my-hacks.php file to hold the functions.
    @ Shreela: The old patch was against the release candidate 1.



    Hello again…I finally finished my upgrade to 1.0.1. I tried this hack many times, and wasn’t able to get it to work.
    my-hacks.ph *is* enabled already
    I tried the template-functions code with, and without the – and +
    I tried it one line at a time, with all the code, then with only the + codes, deleting the – code
    I’m missing something…thanks

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