RSS Full Feed around plug in?
Ok as I understand it. RSS is setup in sites to draw numbers to their site. Not to allow you to get contend in Ok same deal I dont really want to send off a viewer from my site to go reading on someone else’s. Hmm .. so is there a plug-in that understands this and will allow you to setup a RSS feed(S) to your site and when the user taps on the continue..or more button.. the plug in opens another window on the screen to allow full feed reading but the window can be closed and by design limited in scope of what it it wont allow the user to go on to any other article or page..and they must close it ( the limitations are IMPORTANT )..thus you retain more of your users.. Does this make sense? I hope so I know what I Actually this is not new and if I thought of it surely someone else has before me..I have seen something like this in phpbb before. If it exists now.well great.. point me to it..TODAY ( will it support android?)
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