RSS help needed – I’m not a programmer
I want my website to show the most recent blog entry I publish using the RSS feed feature. I have WordPress 2.0 on my system.
I am having a few problems…
1. When I publish a new blog entry, my website ( still only shows the very first blog entry. That’s not what I want.
2. When I edited the blog entry’s title, the website didn’t show the changed title.
3. When I had an apostrope s (‘s), the apostrophe showed up as a question mark (apostrophes aren’t some special character.
I did a search of this forum and was lost because all the answers seemed to require programming knowledge, so it was like reading a foreign language. Please help me.
I am using MagpieRSS and the coding I’m using on my site is this:
require_once '';// Set error reporting for this
error_reporting(E_ERROR);// Fetch RSS feed
$rss = fetch_rss('');
if ($rss)
// Split the array to show first 1
$items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, 1);
// Cycle through each item and echo
foreach ($items as $item )
echo '<a href="'.$item['link'].'">'.$item['title'].'</a><br>'.$item['description'].'<br>'.$item['pubDate'].'<br>'.$item['copyright'].'';
}}else { echo '<h2>Error:</h2><p>'.magpie_error().'</p>';}// Restore original error reporting value@ini_restore('error_reporting');
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