• I want my website to show the most recent blog entry I publish using the RSS feed feature. I have WordPress 2.0 on my system.

    I am having a few problems…

    1. When I publish a new blog entry, my website (www.jrothraministries.com) still only shows the very first blog entry. That’s not what I want.

    2. When I edited the blog entry’s title, the website didn’t show the changed title.

    3. When I had an apostrope s (‘s), the apostrophe showed up as a question mark (apostrophes aren’t some special character.

    I did a search of this forum and was lost because all the answers seemed to require programming knowledge, so it was like reading a foreign language. Please help me.

    I am using MagpieRSS and the coding I’m using on my site is this:

    require_once 'https://www.jrothraministries.com/magpierss/rss_fetch.inc';// Set error reporting for this
    error_reporting(E_ERROR);// Fetch RSS feed
    $rss = fetch_rss('https://www.jrothraministries.com/blog/?feed=rss2');
    if ($rss)
    // Split the array to show first 1
    $items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, 1);
    // Cycle through each item and echo
    foreach ($items as $item )
    echo '<a href="'.$item['link'].'">'.$item['title'].'</a><br>'.$item['description'].'<br>'.$item['pubDate'].'<br>'.$item['copyright'].'';
    }}else { echo '<h2>Error:</h2><p>'.magpie_error().'</p>';}// Restore original error reporting value@ini_restore('error_reporting');

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  • Thread Starter jrothra


    I keep asking, but yet to hear an answer. Does anybody have any idea why my site doesn’t show the latest blog posts? How come my site show’s the apostrophe-s (‘s) as ?s instead?

    jrothra, not to be snippy, but 24 hours have past between your first post and your second. Everyone providing help is a volunteer, ie: they help because they want to, not for any other reason, so I don’t think there is any guranteed turn-around time for replies. Being a nice Christian, you know patience is a virtue ??

    Anyway, I would hazard a guess that the issue is not with WordPress, as looking at the WordPress site and the actual feed, the apostrophe appears correctly on both, but with the magpie script itself, as only on the frontpage (with the blog entries coming from magpie I’m guessing) they come out wonky. I know nothing about that script, but might I suggest searching it’s documentation and support tools. It could possibly be something with the encoding somewhere, but again, I’m not familiar with magpie.

    Beyond looking at the magpie support and perhaps upgrading magpie and/or WordPress to the latest version (you appear to be using 1.5.2), I couldn’t offer you any other advice at the moment.


    Thread Starter jrothra



    Forgive my apparent impatience. It was not intended. I apolgize for it.

    On that note, so from what you’ve seen, it looks like Magpie is the cause of all the problems? I hope it’s only that simple, rather than multiple places. Easier to fix one thing than many.

    Again, I am sorry for my apparent impatience.


    No worries. Being new to WordPress myself, I just find it frustrating when I’m searching for help and end up on page after page of *bumps* from people. ??

    I really do think it’s magpie, as all everything else (including the RSS feeds) appear normal in WordPress. I’m sure there is a simple solution to the issue within magpie, but agian as I know nothing about it, I couldn’t say what that is. Try searching the forums for magpie and see what you come up with!

    Good luck,

    Thread Starter jrothra



    Magpie’s support forums are even more convoluted and confusing to me, but I discovered Magpie does have some inherent problems, anyway. Could you recommend an RSS parser/reader which is easy to use and implement?



    In short, I have no idea what alternatives there are to magpie. I know before I started using WordPress I did an extensive search looking for things similar to magpie, but to no avail.

    Is it just the “Latest Blog Entry” that you use magpie for on the front page?


    Thread Starter jrothra


    Magie is used for the latest blog entry and the news articles from ChristianityToday. The daily scripture is from another system rather than an RSS feed.

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