Thank you for the reply!
I really hated bumping so much, and I hate it when others do, but I made my first post five days ago, and this is the first response. If I hadn’t bumped, it would have been on the 10th page by now, and lost forever. I’ve tried to be constructive with my bumps, but I apologise for doing it as much as I did.
My old blogger page generated an atom feed. I’ve managed to figure out the problem with importing the old blogger entries, so that won’t be a problem now, fortunately.
The blog, since I moved it to wordpress, was an RSS feed. I retrieved the backup of the feed archive by exporting them from Google Reader. I don’t know if this is in atom format or rss. I did one export which only retrieved the rss archive from reader, after I’d stopped using atom. Could that still be a problem?
Here’s the first bit of one of the xml files I’m trying to import:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<feed xmlns:gr="" xmlns:media="" xmlns=""><!--
Content-type: Preventing XSRF in IE.
--><generator uri="">Google Reader</generator><id>,2005:reader/feed/</id><title>Neil&#39;s Place</title><link rel="self" href=""/><link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html"/><updated>2007-09-07T02:24:06Z</updated><entry gr:is-read-state-locked="true" gr:crawl-timestamp-msec="1189131846356"><id gr:original-id="">,2005:reader/item/d6922edc079e8ae8</id><category term="user/08677544345365840733/state/" scheme="" label="read"/><category term="Uncategorized"/><title type="html">Technical problems</title><Publish>2007-09-07T01:50:05Z</Publish><updated>2007-09-07T01:50:05Z</updated><link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html"/><summary xml:base="" type="html">Regretably I have encountered some sever technical problems, and my blog is currently unavbailable. It will take some time to restore the blog, and unfortunately comments at least have been lost. Please bear with me while I attempt to restore the blog.
I will still be taking daily photographs for Project 365, but I will have [...]</summary><content xml:base="" type="html"><p>Regretably I have encountered some sever technical problems, and my blog is currently unavbailable. It will take some time to restore the blog, and unfortunately comments at least have been lost. Please bear with me while I attempt to restore the blog.</p>
<p>I will still be taking daily photographs for Project 365, but I will have to catch up once the blog is back in working condition.</p>
I note that both “atom” and “mrss” are mentioned in the header. Is this a problem? If so, does anyone know how to choose the format that Google Reader can export to? This is the method I usedto get the feed history:
Thank again so much for your reply. With a little direction I’m sure I can figure this out.