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  • Options -> Reading

    See the “Syndication Feeds” section?

    Click by “Full Text” and save.

    Sorry. Lost my password. I’m macuser9214.

    It is on full text. That didn’t/Doesn’t help..

    I think it’s in the rss2.php file or whatever it’s called. Someone said something about <content:encoded>

    What do I do with that?

    Someone said something about <content:encoded>

    Why would that change your rss from full to excerpt?

    If you disable all your plugins, does the feed work as expected?
    If you (temporarily) change your theme to Default, does the feed work as expected?

    Nope. Neither one made a difference.

    Here’s what I’m talking about:

    From where I see it – it displays the whole article.

    This is the last sentence both on the blog and in the feed:

    Love isn’t always easy, but it is always blessed to give, more than it is to receive.

    I’ve tried at least 3 readers and they only show a little portion.

    Here’s my problem:
    it uses <content:encoded> for the full body. (according to someone)

    That’s causing a problem with what I”m trying to do:

    I’ve tried at least 3 readers and they only show a little portion.
    On that other forum you stated exactly the opposite of this!
    Now, which is true???

    (according to someone)
    I think in that case “someone” should solve your problem and not this forum. Since he seems to be smarter then the validator:

    Firefox and Safari both only show a little snippet. All I want to do is make that SMF plugin work.

    All I’m asking is, what can I modify so that works, based on what information he gave me?

    Firefox and Safari both only show a little snippet

    You mean when looking at your feeds in FF? Not true, I just told you above. Clear your cache…

    Plus, I just added your feeds to the Google reader and it displays the full post. So, your problem is on the OTHER end, not on the WP end. Period.

    In google reader it worked for me too. but in firefox AND safari:


    ANYONE?? Someone knows!?!?

    I understand your frustration there, but bumping your own post a bunch of times isn’t preferred, on this forum. Just sayin’


    What’s the SMF plugin? Can you post a link to that? I looked on that site you linked the forum, but I didn’t see the actual WordPress plugin (if it is one).

    Why does that plugin put the XML tag <content:encoded> into your feed? (This is apparently a non-standard tag, according to someone on the forum you linked in the 1st post).

    Seems to me… if you disable the plugin and your feed works, but you enable the plugin and the feed is broken… then see if the plugin can be fixed, right?

    its a plugin for a forum.. Not for wordpress.

    It takes RSS feeds and posts them as threads on a forum.

    it would appear the choices are: find a forum plugin that works, or fix the forum plugin you’ve got so that it works.

    I think you’ll want your blog-post text to appear in the XML field “description” not under “content:encoded”. WP puts it in the correct field out of the box. I wonder if the Forum plugin you’re using changes the RSS to make it post on that forum, yet, it becomes non-standard to some RSS readers (albeit compatible with others).

    It seems to be nothing WP is doing, if WP creates the valid feed out of the box and the Forum’s plugin is changing it?

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