• I’ve installed an RSS newsfeed plugin (for inserting RSS Feed code into my pages/posts). The feeds will display as intended for a while after activating and then disappear for good within an hour or so.

    No problems encountered on non-Semiologic Pro sites, so I’d love to know what Pro plugins or whatever could be conflicting and causing this.

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  • Thread Starter erusch


    I just discovered that the feeds are there, they just don’t show up unless the Comments fields are open. When I click on Comments the Comments fields display and so do the feeds.

    So the question now is how to I get the Comments fields to show all the time?

    The URL btw is https://framedartdecor.com/decorating/category/decorating-news/

    Click on “Comments” at the bottom and it will display as I wish it would without having to click on it.

    Edit: Problem is sporatic. It comes and goes on IE and Firefox. Any way to make sure comments are always open?

    I’m not sure what the problem is. Could you be more specific on the plugin that is causing you trouble?

    To make sure comments are always on by default, visit:

    Admin area > options > discussion

    Thread Starter erusch



    Please visit https://framedartdecor.com/decorating/category/decorating-news/

    The problem has returned. You will notice that the news feeds are not showing, but if you click on “Comment” at the bottom, they will return. Obviously, I want them to show w/o having to click on anything.

    I think everything in the Discussion area is fine. I would be happy to email you the login in info if you want a look inside.



    I can’t see no difference. I always see the RSS feed in the right menue under syndicate…
    what exactly do you mean?

    Thread Starter erusch


    I see your confusion. I’m not talking about the Syndication Options (Subscribe Me). What I’m referring to is a news feed plugin I’ve installed that pulls keyword focused news posts onto the page. They should be showing up under “Recent Interior Decorating News” on the page in question.

    But if you click on “Comment” at the bottom of the page, I believe the news feeds will show. That’s how it goes for me.

    Is that more clear?

    I still don’t seem to understand what is wrong.

    It could be a corrupt cache issue, that said. In this case, the fix would be:

    – Visit yoursite/?action=flush when logged in as admin
    – Visit Admin > options > wp cache and click the delete files button


    oh, ok. in that case — which plugin are you using?

    Thread Starter erusch


    I tried the https://www.framedartdecor.com/decorating/?action=flush thing and clicked Delete cache and it worked for a while. Now I can’t get the feeds to show no matter what I try.

    The plugin was developed by Sid Hale, a fellow member of ContentDesk. Like I said it works fine on another blog. When I started this string, I figured there might be a known conflict in one of the Pro plugins with an RSS2Blog type of plugin and that I could just deactive it.

    Thread Starter erusch


    Latest update: (in case anyone is still awake ?? I clicked “restore default configuration” in Options > wp-cache and now it works (news feeds show).

    I’ll see if I can figure out what it is I’m doing to make it stop working (assuming it stops working as it has many times now).

    Your front page’s code states:

    Dynamic Page Served (once) in 18.015 seconds

    Could be a mere timeout. the url to your rss plugin (or its source, by email) would help, i think.

    Thread Starter erusch


    Yes, a timeout sounds about right as I just returned to my computer after a bicycle ride and alas, the feeds were gone. Clicking on “restore default configuration” once again and they’re back.

    Unfortunately, I really haven’t any idea what “the url to your rss plugin (or its source, by email) would help” means.

    Is the url in this case the feed url? https://news.search.yahoo.com/news/rss?p=<keywords&gt;

    If so, how do I email it my plugin or its source? Is this potentially a long term fix? Am I close?

    I can imagine WordPress 2.0 trashing the cache because of an odd server config that makes the object cache behave weird. I can imagine vicious caching issues that only get solved by disabling the cache entirely and/or changing servers.

    It could also be an issue with the plugin that you are using. Problem is, I haven’t the slightest clue of which plugin that may be: “An RSS newsfeed plugin (for inserting RSS Feed code into my pages/posts)” is simply not enough information.

    Please send me your web site information by email (denis at mesoconcepts dot com) so I can take a look.

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