• I just upgraded my WordPress – mainly so that when I used full text in my RSS feeds, the more link would convert to, well, a more link. In my old version I had to manually put the more links in the excerpt.

    So I upgraded and everything seemed fine, but now my default wordpress feed = https://www.animejb.net/feed/ and frankly all my other feeds, ONLY display excerpts.

    My Options->Reading->Full Text for the Syndication feeds is on. I did have podpress installed but I’ve even deleted the folder from plugins and it still doesn’t work.

    This is very perplexing, any suggestions?

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  • patternsofchaos


    If it’s not a bug, then at least half a dozen feed readers I’ve tried all have the same bug. Changing that value in WordPress fixed the problem.

    It may not be a bug, technically, but it certainly works against user expectations. The fact that there is this much discussion on the matter, and this many people having the same problem, should say something.

    I have this issue too…

    Guys, listen to Otto42, he’s right. Believe me, I feel you on thinking it’s a bug. This was driving me absolutely INSANE trying to figure out why it would cut the post off even though I was using full text mode and not using the ‘more’ feature.

    I’ve read every post on this tread and discovered IT’S NOT A BUG! Otto42 is RIGHT!

    Look at your feed in the Safari browser! Does it cut it off? NO! You know why? Because Safari reads the ‘content:encoded’ tag rather then the ‘description’ tag. Look at your feed in IE6, where you can view the raw XML. See it? There’s BOTH a description, which DOES cut it off… AND a content:encoded which has the FULL article.

    How do you make your reader read from the ‘content:encoded’ tag? Sorry, I can’t help you there. I don’t read RSS through readers, I simply consume it for use in automating RSS feeds into websites written in ASP.NET and PHP. Perhaps someone else can if you’re reader is reading the ‘description’ tag by default.

    I am having this problem, and I am not just trying to view the results through a browser.

    I’m using a feed parser, Carp, and I’ve written a small plugin for it that responds to every element that Carp encounters in the feed. I set the indicated option to “full feed”, verified that the posts I’m testing against don’t have any <!– more –> tags, verified in the db that the rss_use_excerpt option is set to zero (off), and my plugin is not seeing any <content:encoded> tags, only <description> tags with a summary. When I make the change indicated by mojofofofo to feed-rss2.php, my plugin sees <content:encoded> tags (as well as <description> tags).

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