• Resolved sitoxic


    I upgrade to 2.2 and since that I lose my feed, when I try to validate it give me this error:

    <em>XML parsing error: <unknown>:3:0: xml declaration not at start of external entity </em>

    My feed in feed burner look like this:

    feed masmenosuno.com

    feed comments masmenosuno.com

    I uploaded wp-includes again without any result.

    I’ve try desactivate all plugins searching the error and nothing.

    I’ve check the code looking for a space in the plugins but everythig is ok but my feed.

    My website is https://www.masmenosuno.com, please I need some help or I will be forced to do a ritual sacrifice ??


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  • I was having the exact problem with my feed until I noticed in the fuctions.php file, that there was coding incomplete. I removed it and it worked properly.

    Check your files.

    I’m still learning coding, but getting there slowly, the only thing I’ve got in my funtions.php is:
    if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebars’) )

    can you let me know if there is supposed to be something else in there?


    My functions.php is exactly like rubies above. My feed will not validate, as I get the


    This feed does not validate.


    line 2, column 0: XML parsing error: <unknown>:2:0: xml declaration not at start of external entity [help]

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

    In addition, this feed has an issue that may cause problems for some users. We recommend fixing this issue.


    error as well. Can someone tell me how to resolve this? My URL is https://www.thepokerstrat.com

    does anyone have any input on what files i should be changing? i have checked all my plugins and deactivated them…the problem is still there. but when i remove the rss2-feed.php file, then more problems pop up, which leads me to believe that it is the rss2-feed.php file.


    I thought I’d share that I’ve resolved the issue that was plaguing me.

    It turns out the free godaddy plan injects non validating junk into the pages, resulting in every page starting with an empty line. Craptastic!

    I used a basic hello world php script on the server outside of wordpress to see what the naked sources looked like – lo behold, They started with an empty line.

    I switched to a cheapskate pay per month plan and now RSS is validating and everything is working again, including such things as the visual editor.


    It seems that you are also using the free godaddy hosting. That’s what screwed up my source.

    I see your sources also starts with an empty line.

    Either switch provider or upgrade to the next cheapest godaddy plan (something like $2 a month). I wouldn’t bet on godaddy support doing anything to fix the bugs in the free plan any-day-soon-now.

    Thank you so much Blacktar.
    I emailed their support and they said they wouldnt help with anything to do with coding…..no wonder!!

    At least now I can stop spending hours trying to resolve the issue.

    Thanks again

    A Hip-Hurray for HandySolo! Thanks! ??

    For me, it was the wp-config.php with 2 more lines after the end.

    Everyone with the above problem I suggest to check the mentioned files for lines before and after the starting <?php and the ending ?>



    I had the same symptom – initial blank line ruining my feed – but with a different cause. At my host (Dreamhost) I had my domain set to work both with https://domain.com and https://www.domain.com, but with the former the blank line appeared and messed up the feed. It’s all mysterious Apache-fu to me, but once I had them set https://domain.com to redirect to https://www.domain.com everything was fine whichever way the feed URL was put in.



    My issue was 2 empty lines in yahoo’s plugin for permalinks. You would think that they would have fixed this by now, since they offer automatic installations, so automatically, your rss doesn’t work on their hosting until you remove those lines.



    I thought I would add that I am using WP 2.5 and got the same issue. After some hunting I found that my wp-config.php had two blank lines at the end. Clearing these solved the problem.

    My issue was an empty line in functions.php. I use a modified version of the Neoclassical Theme for my site https://www.kabel-fernsehen-digital.de with a modified functions.php file. At the end of the file was an empty line which leads to the problem.

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