• Nazmul Hossain Nihal


    My rss feed is not working.It shows this error:

    This page contains the following errors:

    error on line 12 at column 27: Entity ‘raquo’ not defined
    Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

    my site feed url is : https://www.codingwar.com/feed

    how can I fix this problem? I am using wordpress 3.3.1

    please help me!!!

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  • RichardWPG


    Hope some of the links in this forum helps. https://www.ads-software.com/search/rss+feed+error

    Thread Starter Nazmul Hossain Nihal


    no I cant find any think from your url!!

    Robert Bossaert


    Have you changed anything recently? You’ll have to dig in the file and see what is causing it, if you post a snippet we might be able to help.

    You can if you want temporarily disable the feed in the default-filters.php, but this will not fix the feed for you.

    Thread Starter Nazmul Hossain Nihal


    no i didn’t change any thing.my site is new i have installed this only 4 days ago!

    Robert Bossaert


    This problem is most likely located in the header.php of the theme you currently have activated.

    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Coding War &raquo; Feed" href="https://www.codingwar.com/feed" />
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Coding War &raquo; Comments Feed" href="https://www.codingwar.com/comments/feed" />
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Coding War &raquo; Coding War Blog Comments Feed" href="https://www.codingwar.com/1/feed" />

    &raquo; is not a valid entity thus its throwing errors. Trying removing it.

    Thread Starter Nazmul Hossain Nihal


    i cant fix this . i cant find anything like this “?” or raquo in header.php!

    Robert Bossaert


    Then check Settings > General inside WordPress and remove it from the title.

    Thread Starter Nazmul Hossain Nihal


    no my title is : Coding War ! there is no text “like raquo” in my site title!

    Robert Bossaert


    Well its coming from somewhere, what you can do is inactivate your plugins and see if a plugin is causing this.

    Otherwise its possible that whoever made your theme put it in, and I can only guess where he put it. I cannot help you unless you give me more information, a ‘no’ everytime is like playing hide and seek, you will need to give us more.

    Thread Starter Nazmul Hossain Nihal


    no my all plugins are inactivate and i changed my theme but it gives the same error.



    I’m having the same issue and am wondering if it’s in the All In One SEO program I’m using. Tho admittedly I now have it turned off I wonder if the feed was created as a static page and I need to rebuild it somehow.

    The SEO plugin generally included %post_title% | %blog_title% or some variation on every page. I just can’t seem to find the one still hanging around.

    I’m using Graphene as a template.



    Please post your own topic.

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