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  • davestinner


    I can get your wp-rss2.php to come up. The feed: part has been mentioned numerous times on this site. Remove it from the footer.php file. Feed: is a protocol similar to call: for Skype.

    Thread Starter RobCarr


    Sorry about the feed: part – I did a search on RSS and it didn’t come up.

    As for the RSS, I can get the wp-rss2.php to come up. It won’t transmit any data. You don’t get any items listed. I’ve even tried adding posts to see if only new posts will come up. So far, it’s not giving me anything.

    Moderator James Huff


    Thread Starter RobCarr


    MacManx –

    That fixed it! Thank you very much. I’m adding that site to my list of troubleshooting sites.

    Thanks to everyone!

    Tony Zeoli


    I tried to follow the instructions in the link above, but I am still having a problem with my feed. I am using NewsManagerLite. Is there a better free RSS reader for the Mac? Or, is my feed still unavailable.

    It doesn’t validate, not does my RSS reader pick up this link.

    I am a novice at PhP, but I did try some of the fixes in the last posts to no avail. It’s not clear to me which files need to be changed. Whether it’s just footer.php, or wp-blog-header.php or both. Please advise. Thanks so much.



    tonyzeolim, I’d suggest downloading the updated wp-blog-header.php file instead of trying to correct the code, and drop that in your blog’s directory:



    I’m having troubles with the RSS feed too. I use the RSSReader from this site
    It does not validate. If I hover over the link it does noy say the word feed in the link as on other WP 1.5 sites. I have no clue at all where to look and how to troubleshoot this RSS thing. Please take a look at
    It is in Dutch but the links in the first post will not need any translations I guess. Please can someone point me in the right direction?
    Thanks, Blips

    Moderator James Huff


    Notice your feed validation here:

    Now, disable all active plugins and test it again.



    Thanks MACMANX this was really troubleshooting 101 it was indead a plugin that was causing the feed to break. (reproducable) I emailed the author to get a solution. Its a combination of what theme you are running and how the header image was setup. Maybe I also have to mail the theme author so he can take a look and knows an answers.
    Thanks again. ??



    I had a similar problem. RSS worked before, but 1.5 broke the feed. I downloaded the fixed wp-blog-header.php file, but it still didn’t work. After running the link through a verifier, it turned out that I had an old article that was causing the feed to fall out of compliance. The article had single quotes ‘ in it. When they were fed though the generator, the single qotes showed up as ? question marks. After changing them to double quotes, the feed came up in Feedreader without any trouble.

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