Hi, a quick update. I thought maybe if I installed a different RSS Widget, I might get around the problem. So I downloaded the KB Advanced RSS Widget, installed and activated it and I get the same error. Except this time, the actual feed shows up on the page (see https://yo.landyo.us). Click on the feed and you can see it is up and running. The creator of this feed widget has this in his documentation:
“An error has occured; the feed is probably down.”
This widget relies on WordPress’s feed parsing abilities (look in wordpress/includes/rss.php). WordPress grabs the requested feed then passes it to this widget for formatting. If you are seeing this error, it means one of two things:
1.) The feed really is down. Wait a while and try again.
2.) WordPress’s feed parser is screwed up. Try updating to the most recent version of WordPress. If that doesn’t work, file a WordPress bug report in Trac.
In the latter case, you may want to first try using the RSS widget that comes as a built-in widget. You’ll probably get the same error there, since the KB RSS widget uses the exact same error-checking method.
So, even though I believe aplus.net installed the latest and greatest version, I downloaded it and installed it and it made no difference. I’ll be logging a bug for this issue.