• Resolved joeshock


    Website: https://www.joeshock.com

    I successfully connected my Facebook RSS feed to the RSS widget simply by finding the RSS feed from Facebook and setting up the RSS widget in my sidebar. Everything worked great. It grabbed how ever many recent status updates I wanted. However, Now that I updated my status on Facebook, the RSS widget doesn’t seem to update with the newest status. I ran an RSS validator on my feed here: https://feedvalidator.org/. I get a few errors in the Facebook RSS feed but nothing that should halt WordPress from refreshing the feed I think. Just need some help. Thoughts?


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  • Thread Starter joeshock


    Nevermind. It just took some time. It’s updated now. Go figure. Thanks anyways!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    The RSS widgets cache for an hour, so they won’t check back for that time period.

    One hour is fine. I’d like to find out a way to have it cache for just one feed every 15 minutes between noon and 3pm on Fridays and then every 5 minutes until 8pm. After 8pm Friday, it can resume to hourly.

    Why, you might ask, so specific? Because there is a Jewish Sabbath-eve issue that needs to be checked before sundown each Friday. Sometimes it’s resolved by mid-afternoon. If there are problems, they may be in the process of being repaired up to moments before sundown. The local synagogues, by displaying the RSS feed on an increased-frequency basis, would enable community members to check their synagogue websites that display the feed.

    Yes, they could check the original site, directly. It would just be nice to be able to “push” the latest status more frequently during a particular timeframe. Or to allow the sites that link to the feed to “pull” as often as they want.

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