• For “Rugby”, I experienced some troubles in using automatic standings. League points may vary depending the league you are in and the country and rules adopted by your Union.

    I developed a “rugby-alternate” sport rules that you can use if you want to set manually, for each match:

    1. match points – the points each team scored in a match
    2. league points – the points each team gained in the league

    It doesn’t track information about tries, conversions, penalty kicks or drop goals (these can be easily added as additional information about each match).

    I think it may still be a little buggy, but it can be helpful just in the case someone wants to obtain the same results.

    If anyone would like to give it a try you can create a “rugby-alternate.php” file inside the “sports” folder of the plugin.

     * Rugby Class
     * @author 		Giacomo Berdondini
     * @package		LeagueManager
     * @copyright 	Copyright 2015
     * Custom rugby class: inserting both game and standing points for each match
    class LeagueManagerRugbyAlternate extends LeagueManager
    	 * sports key
    	 * @var string
    	var $key = 'rugby-alternate';
    	 * load specifif settings
    	 * @param none
    	 * @return void
    	function __construct()
    		add_filter( 'leaguemanager_sports', array(&$this, 'sports') );
    		add_filter( 'team_points_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'calculatePoints'), 10, 3 );
    		add_filter( 'rank_teams_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'rankTeams') );
    		/*Point rules*/
    		add_filter( 'leaguemanager_point_rules_list', array(&$this, 'getPointRuleList') );
    		add_filter( 'leaguemanager_point_rules',  array(&$this, 'getPointRules') );
    		add_filter( 'leaguemanager_export_matches_header_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'exportMatchesHeader') );
    		add_filter( 'leaguemanager_export_matches_data_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'exportMatchesData'), 10, 2 );
    		add_filter( 'leaguemanager_import_matches_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'importMatches'), 10, 3 );
    		add_filter( 'leaguemanager_export_teams_header_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'exportTeamsHeader') );
    		add_filter( 'leaguemanager_export_teams_data_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'exportTeamsData'), 10, 2 );
    		add_filter( 'leaguemanager_import_teams_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'importTeams'), 10, 2 );
    		/*Match tables*/
    		add_action( 'matchtable_header_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'displayMatchesHeader'), 10, 0);
    		add_action( 'matchtable_columns_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'displayMatchesColumns') );
    		/*League standings*/
    		add_action( 'leaguemanager_standings_header_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'displayStandingsHeader') );
    		add_action( 'leaguemanager_standings_columns_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'displayStandingsColumns'), 10, 2 );
    		/*Team edit form*/
    		add_action( 'team_edit_form_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'editTeam') );
    		/*Update results and save standings*/
    		add_action( 'leaguemanager_update_results_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'updateResults') );
    		add_action( 'leaguemanager_save_standings_'.$this->key, array(&$this, 'saveStandings') );
    	function LeagueManagerSoccer()
    	 * add sports to list
    	 * @param array $sports
    	 * @return array
    	function sports( $sports )
    		$sports[$this->key] = __( 'Rugby Alternate', 'leaguemanager' );
    		return $sports;
    	 * get Point Rule list
    	 * @param array $rules
    	 * @return array
    	function getPointRuleList( $rules )
    		$rules[$this->key] = __('Rugby Alternate', 'leaguemanager');
    		return $rules;
    	 * get Point rules
    	 * @param array $rules
    	 * @return array
    	function getPointRules( $rules )
    	/*Points for standings will be inserted manually*/
    		$rules[$this->key] = array( 'forwin' => 0, 'fordraw' => 0, 'forloss' => 0 );
    		return $rules;
    	 * rank Teams
    	 * @param array $teams
    	 * @return array of teams
    	function rankTeams( $teams )
    		foreach ( $teams AS $key => $row ) {
    			$points[$key] = $row->points['plus']+$row->add_points;
    			$diff[$key] = $row->diff;
    		array_multisort( $points, SORT_DESC, $diff, SORT_DESC, $teams );
    		return $teams;
    	 * re-calculate points
    	 * @param array $points
    	 * @param int $team_id
    	 * @param array $rule
    	 * @return array with modified points
    	function calculatePoints( $points, $team_id, $rule )
    		global $leaguemanager;
    		$matches = $leaguemanager->getMatches( array("team_id" => $team_id, "limit" => false) );
    		foreach ( $matches AS $match ) {
    			$index = ( $match->home_team == $team_id ) ? 'home' : 'away';
    			$points['plus']		+= $match->leaguepoints[$index];
    		return $points;
    	 * save results
    	 * @param int $team_id
    	 * @return void
    	function updateResults( $match_id )
    		global $wpdb, $lmLoader;
    		$admin = $lmLoader->getAdminPanel();
    		$home_points = $_POST['home_points'][$match_id];
    		$away_points = $_POST['away_points'][$match_id];
    		$home_team = $_POST['home_team'][$match_id];
    		$away_team = $_POST['away_team'][$match_id];
    		if (	( $_POST['home_points'][$match_id] == NULL ) ||
    				( $_POST['away_points'][$match_id] == NULL ) ||
    				( $_POST['custom'][$match_id]['leaguepoints']['home'] == NULL ) ||
    				( $_POST['custom'][$match_id]['leaguepoints']['away'] == NULL )
    			) {
    			$home_points = 'NULL';
    			$away_points = 'NULL';
    		} else {
    			$home_leaguepoints = $_POST['custom'][$match_id]['leaguepoints']['home'];
    			$away_leaguepoints = $_POST['custom'][$match_id]['leaguepoints']['away'];
    		if ( $home_points != 'NULL' ) {
    			$winner = $admin->getMatchResult( $home_points, $away_points, $home_team, $away_team, 'winner' );
    			$loser =  $admin->getMatchResult( $home_points, $away_points, $home_team, $away_team, 'loser' );
    		$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->leaguemanager_matches} SET <code>home_points</code> = ". $home_points .", <code>away_points</code> = ". $away_points .", <code>winner_id</code> = '%d', <code>loser_id</code> = '%d' WHERE <code>id</code> = '%d'", $winner, $loser, $match_id) );
    	 * save custom standings
    	 * @param int $team_id
    	 * @return void
    	function saveStandings( $team_id )
    		global $wpdb, $leaguemanager;
    		$team = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT <code>custom</code> FROM {$wpdb->leaguemanager_teams} WHERE <code>id</code> = '%d'", $team_id) );
    		$custom = maybe_unserialize($team->custom);
    		$custom['leaguepoints_plus']		= $team->custom['leaguepoints_plus'];
    		$custom['leaguepoints_minus']		= $team->custom['leaguepoints_minus'];
    		$custom['diff']						= $team->custom['diff']; 
    		$custom = $this->getStandingsData($team_id, $custom);
    		$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->leaguemanager_teams} SET <code>custom</code> = '%s' WHERE <code>id</code> = '%d'", maybe_serialize($custom), $team_id ) );
    	 * get standings data for given team
    	 * @param int $team_id
    	 * @param array $data
    	 * @return array number of runs for and against as assoziative array
    	function getStandingsData( $team_id, $data = array() )
    		global $leaguemanager;
    		$data['gamepoints'] = array( 'plus' => 0, 'minus' => 0 );
    		$matches = $leaguemanager->getMatches( array("team_id" => $team_id, "limit" => false) );
    		foreach ( $matches AS $match ) {
    			if ( $team_id == $match->home_team ) {
    				$data['gamepoints']['plus'] 	+= $match->home_points;
    				$data['gamepoints']['minus'] 	+= $match->away_points;
    				$data['leaguepoints']['plus']	+= $match->home_leaguepoints;
    				$data['leaguepoints']['minus']	+= $match->away_leaguepoints;
    				$data['diff'] += ($match->home_points - $match->away_points);
    			} else {
    				$data['gamepoints']['plus'] 	+= $match->away_points;
    				$data['gamepoints']['minus'] 	+= $match->home_points;
    				$data['leaguepoints']['plus']	+= $match->away_leaguepoints;
    				$data['leaguepoints']['minus']	+= $match->home_leaguepoints;
    				$data['diff'] += ($match->away_points - $match->home_points);
    		return $data;
    	 * extend header for Standings Table in Backend
    	 * @param none
    	 * @return void
    	function displayStandingsHeader()
    		if ( is_admin() )
    			echo '<th class="num">'.__( 'Game Points', 'leaguemanager' ).'</th>';
    		else {
    			echo '<th class="num">'.__( 'PF', 'leaguemanager' ).'</th>';
    			echo '<th class="num">'.__( 'PS', 'leaguemanager' ).'</th>';
    			echo '<th class="num">'.__( 'Diff', 'leaguemanager' ).'</th>';
    	 * extend columns for Standings Table
    	 * @param object $team
    	 * @param string $rule
    	 * @return void
    	function displayStandingsColumns( $team, $rule )
    		global $leaguemanager;
    		$league = $leaguemanager->getCurrentLeague();
    		if (!isset($team->gamepoints)) $team->gamepoints = array('plus' => '', 'minus' => '');
    		if ( is_admin() )
    			echo '<td class="num">'.sprintf($league->point_format2, $team->gamepoints['plus'], $team->gamepoints['minus']).'</td>';
    		else {
    			echo '<td class="num">'.sprintf($team->gamepoints['plus']).'</td>';
    			echo '<td class="num">'.sprintf($team->gamepoints['minus']).'</td>';
    			echo '<td class="num">'.sprintf($team->gamepoints['plus'] - $team->gamepoints['minus']).'</td>';
    	 * display hidden fields in team edit form
    	 * @param object $team
    	 * @return void
    	function editTeam( $team )
    		if (!isset($team->gamepoints)) $team->gamepoints = array('plus' => '', 'minus' => '');
    		echo '<input type="hidden" name="custom[gamepoints][plus]" value="'.$team->gamepoints['plus'].'" /><input type="hidden" name="custom[gamepoints][minus]" value="'.$team->gamepoints['minus'].'" />';
    	 * display Table Header for Match Administration
    	 * @param none
    	 * @return void
    	function displayMatchesHeader()
    		/*Match points already shown*/
    		echo '<th>'.__( 'League Points', 'leaguemanager' ).'</th>';
    	 * display Table columns for Match Administration
    	 * @param object $match
    	 * @return void
    	function displayMatchesColumns( $match )
    		if (!isset($match->leaguepoints)) $match->leaguepoints = array('home' => '', 'away' => '');
    		//League Points field (input/output)
    		echo '<td>
    			/> :
    	 * export matches header
    	 * @param string $content
    	 * @return the content
    	function exportMatchesHeader( $content )
    		$content .= "\t".__( 'League Points', 'leaguemanager' )."\t";
    		return $content;
    	 * export matches data
    	 * @param string $content
    	 * @param object $match
    	 * @return the content
    	function exportMatchesData( $content, $match )
    		if ( isset($match->leaguepoints) ) {
    			$content .= "\t".implode(":", $match->leaguepoints);
    		} else {
    			$content .= "\t";
    		return $content;
    	 * import matches
    	 * @param array $custom
    	 * @param array $line elements start at index 8
    	 * @param int $match_id
    	 * @return array
    	function importMatches( $custom, $line, $match_id )
    		$match_id = intval($match_id);
    		$leaguepoints = explode(":",$line[8]);
    		$custom[$match_id]['leaguepoints'] = array( 'home' => $leaguepoints[0], 'away' => $leaguepoints[1] );
    		return $custom;
    	 * export teams header
    	 * @param string $content
    	 * @return the content
    	function exportTeamsHeader( $content )
    		$content .= "\t".__('Gamepoints', 'leaguemanager');
    		return $content;
    	 * export teams data
    	 * @param string $content
    	 * @param object $team
    	 * @return the content
    	function exportTeamsData( $content, $team )
    		if ( isset($team->gamepoints) )
    			$content .= "\t".sprintf(":",$team->gamepoints['plus'], $team->gamepoints['minus']);
    			$content .= "\t";
    		return $content;
    	 * import teams
    	 * @param array $custom
    	 * @param array $line elements start at index 8
    	 * @return array
    	function importTeams( $custom, $line )
    		$gamepoints = explode(":", $line[8]);
    		$custom['gamepoints'] = array( 'plus' => $gamepoints[0], 'minus' => $gamepoints[1] );
    		return $custom;
    $rugby = new LeagueManagerRugbyAlternate();

    I’m really new to developing and this kind of things, so I don’t really know if this is the right place to upload this one, and I’m sorry if I’m wrong, but I just wanted to share.


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  • Hi,

    Thank’s for sharing ! I didn’t try your code but it’s clearly painful to update points/tries/cons/penalty etc for each game of the group each day…

    It would be good to have an option in the plugin to avoid to track these details but still be able to add bonus points.


    Thread Starter jekbau


    I developed the code above for that very reason, so you can use it and share in case of any problem.

    Very good.
    I’m going to test it locally and maybe use it in production then ??

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