For other users: this question starts on other support thread, this is the origin:
Me again! We have added a bundled product to the shop, and for whatever reason it isn’t triggering the correct shipping calculation. I have uploaded a screenshot of the rule and have pasted the log for you below:
Starting Fish and Ships (free) calculation, for method: [Priority (2 days)]. Instance_id: [33], Local time: [2020-05-31 11:20:13]
Fish and Ships version: [1.1.0], WP: [5.4.1], WC: [4.1.1], Multilingual: [NO], Multicurrency: [NO]
Rule #1
Check matching selection. Method: [by-price], Group-by: [all], min: [], max: [69]
Grouped [all] calculating: [by-price]
+ #5067 2021 Orthodox Planner Bundle (0 * 2) accumulated: 0
Currently matching products (accumulated checkings result):
all > > items: 1
. 2021 Orthodox Planner Bundle (2)
Calculated rule #1 cost: $7.75
Hello, @parousiapress
After testing it, bundled products aren’t supported for now, and our plugin get 0 for bundle price. I asked to the author of WPC Product Bundles and he has given me feedback quickly.
We will work on it and I hope solve it soon, maybe this week.
There is a trick in the bundled product, on the “Bundled products” tab, the property:
“Shipping fee” option to “Apply to each bundled product”
I think it will work well for rules based on quantity, but not for rules based on product price (the bundle discount will not be taken effect for Fish and Ships).
I will write you about soon,
PD: Can do you edit the title of this thread to something like: “Support for bundled products?” or similar? (I’m not sure if you can edit the title, Thank you in any case!)
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by