• Resolved govisola



    <span style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>I recently added a 301 redirect code in the?htaccess?and?</span>cannot find it anymore. It seems that the redirect worked but I cannot find the code. It disappeared.

    Do you know why? And what can happen if I add another redirect code (since I plan to change the permalink structure again)?

    Best regards

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Where did you insert it in the file? Ideally, it should be BEFORE the code that WordPress inserts.

    As an alternative to this file editing, you can also use various plugins that take care of such redirects for you. Examples: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/tags/redirect/

    Thread Starter govisola


    thank you @threadi I added between BEGIN WordPress and # END WordPress. Should I think more about this, or I can ignore the fact that it disappeared?

    You should never add anything to this area. For a German WordPress installation, it also says here (translated for you):

    # BEGIN WordPress
    # The instructions (lines) between “BEGIN WordPress” and “END WordPress” are
    # dynamically generated and should only be changed via WordPress filters.
    # All changes to the instructions between these markers will be overwritten

    If you want to make additions, then BEFORE this code or via plugin, as described above.

    Thread Starter govisola


    thank you @threadi for this important suggestion. I didn’t know that and even in the forum of yoast they told me I had to add the code between BEGIN WordPress and # END WordPress.

    I’ve seen it. It’s a shame that not everyone there realizes that. I left a note about it. However, I would recommend using a plugin to solve your actual problem.

    Thread Starter govisola


    I appreciate it a lot @threadi ?? Ok ??

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