• Hello s2Membes,
    I have a suggestion that I really would like to be applied to the Pro Addon I bought recently.
    When I restrict content to be released in 2-3 days the page is completely unavailable for viewing.
    Can people who are not able to view it see a message like “This page will unlock in X days (x being the number of days they have left) ?
    If people can view it than it opens without any messages.

    Thanks in advance !


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  • @mastera40 As per www.ads-software.com Forum Rules, we’re not allowed to discuss Pro products here. Please open a support ticket and s2Member will be glad to help. ??

    This page will unlock in X days (x being the number of days they have left)

    Yes, you can achieve that, but instead of protecting the whole page, you’d use a shortcode that checks for that time condition.

    See: WP Admin -> s2Member -> Scripting -> Content Dripping

    And maybe a bit of PHP code to customize the message with the time left, too.

    I hope that helps. ??

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