• I’ve been using WP Offload Media Lite since December on two of my sites with no issues. I store on S3. Today, I noticed one of my sites suddenly stop serving images from S3. The images are just replaced with a grey image placeholder icon (See example: https://ibb.co/vxzqcGsz). The other site has no issue. Strangely, I did not make a change anywhere that might have unintentionally triggered this. I have tried 3 different browsers, all have the same issue.

    WP Offload Media is updated, and WP is the latest version.

    Any thoughts on the cause of this and a possible solution, please?

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  • Thread Starter mikenash100


    More Info on my problem from above: When I click one of the S3 hosted images on my site, the S3 image url displays the error in this image: https://ibb.co/CLQwh0g

    The error message is below. Any help to resolve this will be highly appreciated.

    :This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.


    <Message>Access Denied</Message>

    Plugin Support Delicious Brains Support


    Hi there!

    WP Offload Media Support Team here, Thanks for reaching out with your query we would be happy to assist!

    Can you kindly share a few of those problematic image links, so we can check?

    This is likely related to your site’s connection to AWS. Can you please confirm if your IAM user is using an AmazonS3FullAccess policy? If a custom policy is used instead, please refer to our guide here: https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-media/doc/custom-iam-policy-for-amazon-s3/

    It’s also worth checking you can browse existing bucket. This is a good test to see if the site has a working connection to Amazon S3. See – https://share.getcloudapp.com/JruyJ8xg

    If you cannot browse your existing buckets, then we would suggest checking the AWS Access Keys that you are using are valid.

    Also, would you be able to send me the debugging information from the Support tab on the site you’re having trouble with?

    1. Go to the Support tab of your install
    2. Scroll down to the “Diagnostic Info & Error Log”
    3. Copy the contents and paste it on your next reply?

    Looking forward to hearing back!

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