Thank you for your quick response. We are preparing to launch a premium version of SEO Ultimate (initially as premium support)as well as some additional features.
It’s the dilemma that anyone faces (justification of dev time to ROI) and by making a plugin premium, it allows us to scale development, resolve issues quicker and in fact give everyone a better product.
Feel free to let me know which areas are colliding and we can always revise SEO Ultimate using the enable / disable module functionality.
That was the original plan so if someone was using a plugin that already had functionality, then they could simply disable / toggle that module off. However, over the years, the issue of collisions is more rampant (due to the surge of plugins all coding with different standards).
So, having said that, thank you and our lead developer will review as well, but we will look at some of the older modules and rethink ways to enable a more modular approach.
The canonical feature was written when Google implemented it years ago, so, we did implement URL conflict resolution, so, we will revisit to ensure that it plays well with others and the current WP core hooks.
All the best and thank you for bringing this to our attention.